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User Language Programs(ULP)

Customize your EAGLE software with community-created programs.

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change-text-in-lbr-v1_2.ulp by CadSoftSupport

This ULP based on change-text-in-lbr.ulp changes all text fonts to vector and scans through all packages and symbols changing the text size/ratio to selectable new size and ratio settings for items on layers 21, 25, 27, 48, 51, 94, 95, 96 and 97. Choose text layer for additional information from layers 21, 48, 51, 94 or 97 only. Do not use layers 25, 27, 95, 96 for additional information.

5928 Downloads | 1191 Likes | 05.17.2016

showvals_eagle_7.zip by Albundy1

Highlights parts with a given value (board or schematic). Modified Version of Rene König ULP. Works for Eagle 7. Not tested for Eagle 6. Hebt Parts mit einem gegebenen Value hervor (Board oder Schematic). Modifizierte Version von Rene Königs ULP. Funktioniert mit Eagle 7. Nicht getestet mit Eagle 6.

3879 Downloads | 1254 Likes | 04.11.2016

snapeda_plugin_for_eagle.zip by snapeda

Plugin to search for CAD parts (symbols and PCB footprints) on SnapEDA

4006 Downloads | 1129 Likes | 03.23.2016

select7.ulp by damhave

Selects components, classes or nets listed at the command line or in a GUI dialog. Can add, subtract, filter or create a new group. Rename file to select.ulp before use. Update of my select4 ulp with new features and Eagle 7 support. Documentation in Eagle Control Panel:User Language Programs:select.ulp

4163 Downloads | 1267 Likes | 02.04.2016

export-phoenix-x-ray-cad-data.ulp by popelavojtech

Exports CAD data for Phoenix X-ray Micromex and Nanomex PCB inspection machines. The component and pad coordinates are exported in the same format as in Phoenix X-ray demo board. Top and Bottom component files are generared separately, pads file is common. Some conversion parameters are configurable, you need to edit variables in the ULP. The ULP was tested to work in Eagle v6.x and v7.x and with Phoenix Xact software v8.x.

3671 Downloads | 1065 Likes | 12.14.2015

mod-duplicate-nested.ulp by arminsch

This is a modified version of Bob Starr\'s module duplicate ULP (mod-duplicate.ulp), that also supports nested hierarchies. I\'ve also posted the modifications to Bob - he will incorporate them in newer revisions of his ULP.

3516 Downloads | 1125 Likes | 12.04.2015

price_caculation_ulp.ulp by nouraq

The main function of this ULP is allowing you to calculate the price or order your PCB/PCBA board faster and easier.

4066 Downloads | 1067 Likes | 11.04.2015

gerber-rs274x.ulp by JorgeGarcia

Written by Morten Leikvoll. This ULP produces gerber files similar to EAGLE\'s built in CAM processor. The main difference is that it supports flash apetures for vias.

5260 Downloads | 1054 Likes | 10.01.2015

vec_epscdraw_720.ulp by Jonathan9192

This is an extended version of epscdraw_411.ulp. It features some default colors for the schematics, the \"TexGyreHeroes-Regular\" vector font embedded in the file and \"real\" vector text.

3669 Downloads | 1057 Likes | 09.30.2015

exp-lbrs-replace2.ulp by BStarr

I modified the export project ULP to allow exporting all parts into a single project specific library. BUT, the magic part is that it also generates a script you can run afterward to replace all parts in the schematic so they reference the newly created project specific library. I\'ve also updated the ULP so it now shows a list of all libraries used in a schematic and it allows selecting which library parts to export/replace. Now you can easily export and edit any of the parts in any of your designs within a single project specific library on the fly!

6007 Downloads | 1223 Likes | 09.22.2015