<User>Language Programs</User>

User Language Programs(ULP)

Customize your EAGLE software with community-created programs.

bom-ex154.zip by BStarr

The latest version of BOM-EX 1.54 for use with Eagle v6.5.0

2383 Downloads | 465 Likes | 09.16.2013

bom-ex143.zip by BStarr

The latest release of BOM-EX with part order file fixes and additional bom report save options.

2393 Downloads | 411 Likes | 03.23.2012

hershey-text.zip by nallison

Render text on a pcb in a Hershey typeface. Group the text to render then this ULP lets you choose the Hershey font file, the wire (stroke) width, slope, character width factor and output layer. The text is rendered using wires either directly on the pcb or in a library package that is automatically added to the board. A range of Hershey font data files including a customised font for Eagle are provided.

2426 Downloads | 557 Likes | 03.21.2014

editgroupedtext.ulp by admin

gruppierte Texte in einem Schema oder Board können mit diesem ULP als \\\"Block\\\" editiert werden.\r\nUploaded by Hans Schlumpf from Feron AG

2448 Downloads | 407 Likes | 06.20.2011

createsymsmdpackage_rel3.zip by PEUKERTSIOS

A dialog guided ulp to generate dual line symmetric packages like SOP TSSOP and square packages like QFP. An exposed pad optionally can be generated. Release 3: Conflict between variable names and new built in functions in EAGLE 6.4 fixed Release 2: Fixes the unit conversion in EAGLE 6

2449 Downloads | 457 Likes | 06.24.2013

explode.ulp by admin

This ULP can decompose schematic objects into pure graphics: It deletes all objects in the current schematics group (including their board counterparts) and replaces visible objects by a pure graphical representation (e.g., for documentation of external components)\r\nUploaded by Andreas Weidner from MPI fuer Gravitationsphysik

2466 Downloads | 424 Likes | 03.16.2012

show-airwire.ulp by axeme

Context menu handler that turns off all airwires except the airwire selected.

2514 Downloads | 573 Likes | 05.20.2014

bomattroid-20131004.ulp by MichaelMilbert

bomattroid-20131004 ULP combines \"bom_with_attributes_v1.06\" (by CADSOFT) with centroid location logic and a few helper functions taken from \"bom-am-19\" (by Robert A. Rioja) to generate a Bill of Materials BoM plus centroid data (i.e., X-Y locations of components on board) for pick-and-place. Fixed CSV output of field data having double-quotes.

2516 Downloads | 468 Likes | 10.04.2013

distribute.ulp by DougWellington

Distribute 1.0 - distribute grouped parts on board layout. After using arrange.ulp, parts will be arranged in piles on the layout. Select a pile and run this script to separate the parts to make it easier to manipulate each one. Can be used on any selected group of parts.

2525 Downloads | 577 Likes | 02.20.2014

bom-ex137.zip by admin

Latest 1.37 version of BOM-EX. A full BOM and part ordering system for Eagle using attributes. Now includes CSV order upload file generation for Mouser. Improved attribute apply performace. \r\nUploaded by Bob Starr from RTZ Audio

2537 Downloads | 431 Likes | 02.11.2012