<User>Language Programs</User>

User Language Programs(ULP)

Customize your EAGLE software with community-created programs.

quicklabel.zip by PEUKERTSIOS

A useful ulp for labeling equal spaced nets to a bus.

2252 Downloads | 426 Likes | 04.18.2012

bom-ex139.zip by admin

The latest version of BOM-EX with some minor UI changes, bug fixes and other enhancements.\r\nUploaded by Bob Starr from RTZ Audio

2253 Downloads | 437 Likes | 02.27.2012

show-from-sheet.ulp by helge

Shows all parts in the board editor belonging to a specific sheet in the schematic. Functional circuit blocks can be organized in sheets which systematically group parts on the schematic level. \"show-from-sheet \" thus provides functional block highlighting on the board level. \"show-from-sheet group\" extends this functionality based on select.ulp to group all parts originating from a specified sheet.

2268 Downloads | 588 Likes | 09.05.2014

yaalign.ulp by Kopka

YaAlign - Yet another Align Tool Ein einfaches Tool um gruppierte Bauteile untereinander und/oder am Raster auszurichten. (Oben, Unten, Links, Rechts, Mitte, gleicher Abstand) Interaktive Auswahl über Menü. A simple tool to align grouped parts together and/or to the grid. (Top, Bottom, Left, Right, Center, same Distance) Interactive selection via a menu.

2295 Downloads | 567 Likes | 02.15.2015

doublelayermodelamillanddrill_eagle6plus.zip by Oswald

New version of Eagle compliant for double layer, through hole PCB manufacturing for Roland Modela 3D-plotters used in Fablab\"s all over the world. Uploaded by Oswald van Ginkel from CRCED, fablab -- Updated resolution to comply with Eagle 6+\'s new 32x higher resolution. It will solve the problem of seemingly incorrect scaling when plotting toolpaths

2329 Downloads | 425 Likes | 11.10.2012

show-nets.ulp by axeme

Shows all airwires and traces connected to a selected part, while hiding all other airwires. Designed for context menu and command line use with signal filtering.

2338 Downloads | 611 Likes | 04.01.2014

netlength.ulp by AlStu

Asks for the name of a net then tells its total length on the PCB and in how many segments. Good for matching bus nets, for differential signals and to keep I/O timing within spec.

2370 Downloads | 440 Likes | 06.20.2012

hyperlynx_6_3.zip by kdv

This zip contains hyperlynx.ulp for Eagle version 6.3 and higher. hyperlynx.ulp is a script to export Eagle boards to Hyperlynx. The boards are then simulated using Hyperlynx (commercial) or openEMS (open source). Striplines and microstrips can be simulated this way. Difference between this script and the standard Eagle hyperlynx.ulp: - uses layer names instead of layer numbers - adds export of polygons - correctly exports copper thickness. Hyperlynx is a simulation package from Mentor Graphics, http://www.mentor.com openEMS is an open source electromagnetic field solver, http://www.openems.de koen 14.11.12

2374 Downloads | 440 Likes | 11.15.2012

diff-sch-lbr.ulp by Teuniz

Shows a detailed report of differences between schematic and libraries. It also reports if libraries or devices are missing.

2382 Downloads | 617 Likes | 03.07.2015

bom-ex154.zip by BStarr

The latest version of BOM-EX 1.54 for use with Eagle v6.5.0

2384 Downloads | 465 Likes | 09.16.2013