<User>Language Programs</User>

User Language Programs(ULP)

Customize your EAGLE software with community-created programs.

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airlist_107.zip by ars662001

shows a list of the airwires with position, signal and length.

2143 Downloads | 415 Likes | 01.08.2014

make_bga_v2.ulp by MartinHodges

Make_bga ulp modified to create double letter names for large bgas. Skips extra letters s, x and z.

1907 Downloads | 456 Likes | 12.16.2013

scroll-layer1.1.ulp by dcoryh192

***v1.1 Update: Fixed bug where layers wouldn\'t scroll correctly if a layer was visible but not used, a.k.a. nothing had been placed on the layer yet.*** Pretty much editnext-sheet/editprev-sheet, but for board layouts. Scrolls through visible copper layers based on what is used. Will work with any amount of copper layers (up to 16 of course) with no extra configuration. Top, bottom, and all also display respective place, name, docu layers as well. The ULP should be pretty easy to edit to change this behavior.

1883 Downloads | 493 Likes | 08.09.2013

dif40.zip by admin

Generates output in DIF 4.0 format. This format is used for production and test purposes. It has been defined by Digitaltest GmbH. This version corrects the month value in exported data.\r\nUploaded by A. Zaffran from CadSoft

5601 Downloads | 335 Likes | 08.31.2004

unidat.zip by admin

Generates output in UNIDAT format which is used by UNICAM software. This software provides data for automatic mounting and test equipment. This version corrects the month value in exported data.\r\nUploaded by A. Zaffran from CadSoft

5563 Downloads | 305 Likes | 08.31.2004

toggle-layer.ulp by dcoryh192

Simple ULP to toggle layers. Intended to use with key shortcuts, but works fine in any application. Argument can be either layer name or number, or a mix of both. Only tested in Layout but should work in lib/lay/sch. No limit to number of arguments. Special CLI option to toggle all arguments the same direction or each individually.

1895 Downloads | 423 Likes | 02.25.2013

copyplacing.ulp by admin

Copies the placement from one group of parts to another in a board.\r\nUploaded by Jörg Krein from FHG

6721 Downloads | 309 Likes | 08.09.2004

pathalign.ulp by admin

Dieses ULP dient dazu im Layout-Editor Bauelemente entlang eines Kurvenzuges anzuordnen. Sehr nuetzlich zB fuer aus LEDs bestehenden Quasi-Analog Anzeigen. \r\nUploaded by Johannes Frank

6076 Downloads | 311 Likes | 05.09.2004

change_prefix.ulp by admin

Updated 28 MAR 2003 [written for V4.11] Includes a fix for a bug that caused devices to be created without packages and symbols. This ULP opens a dialog box that requests the prefix to change and the new prefix. It then opens each library in turn, checks each device for the old prefix, and if found, changes it to the new prefix. Note that the prefix is changed using a script file that is automatically run after all libraries are scanned.\r\nUploaded by Thomas Barlet from SC, USA

8173 Downloads | 345 Likes | 03.30.2004

silk2.ulp by admin

Similar to silk.ulp, but updated for EAGLE 4.11 and with enhanced functionality.\r\nUploaded by Robert K NIchols from Self-organized

6089 Downloads | 336 Likes | 08.27.2003