<User>Language Programs</User>

User Language Programs(ULP)

Customize your EAGLE software with community-created programs.

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drawdesignerinfo.ulp by admin

DrawDesignerInfo.ulp This ULP has a GUI to help you draw the Manufacturing Info (Name, Contact, Layer Name, etc) on all the required layers for Gerber exports. The GUI is easy to use and configurations can be loaded and saved, for reuse between projects. This ULP is production tested with over 50 boards and 4 board houses. All of the manufacturers are satisfied with the normalized presentation of the information at the same place on every layer.\r\nUploaded by Tennessee Carmel-Veilleux from Entreprises TenTech

6158 Downloads | 349 Likes | 08.20.2007

pcb_profiler.zip by admin

Abgeänderte Version von pcb_gcode.ulp für den ColinBus Profiler.Zum Erzeugen von Isolationsfräsen und bohren von Leiterplatten.\r\nUploaded by Gerd Vogel from zu Hause

7039 Downloads | 354 Likes | 07.09.2007

find-single-ended-wire.ulp by admin

Find single ended wire and vias. Sucht nach offenen Leiterbahnenden und Vias.\r\nUploaded by A. Zaffran from CadSoft

6076 Downloads | 366 Likes | 04.23.2007

fabmaster.ulp by admin

FABMASTER FATF output for EAGLE 4.1 Export Wires with Arc, rotated Pads, Pad Shape Long & Offset rotated Packages in 0.1 degree export rectangle and circle on layer 1, 16, 21, 22 export polygon filling on klayer 1, 16 export text on layer 1,16,21,22 as wire (**vector font**), Export Layer 51/52 (Layer table expanded), Corrected LAYER_NAMES definition for BPLACE.\r\nUploaded by A. Zaffran from CadSoft

6395 Downloads | 413 Likes | 03.26.2007

via-fill.ulp by admin

An ulp that will place vias in a rectilinear or staggered grid inside any polgons of specified nets. Used to provide thermal or hf frequency vias to a board.\r\nUploaded by Philip Pulle from RGB Sunset Productions

6895 Downloads | 363 Likes | 12.05.2006

centroid_screamingcircuits_smd.ulp by admin

This ULP creates the specific format surface mount XY location file, called a Centroid file, required by Screaming Circuits for prototype assembly. Simply run this ULP and include the generated file “ centroid.csv” in the zip file containing your BOM and Gerbers when you order prototype pcb assembly at www.ScreamingCircuits.com.\r\nUploaded by Duane Benson from Screaming Circuits, USA

6977 Downloads | 356 Likes | 05.18.2006

change_libraries_to_olimex_drills.zip by admin

Ersetzt Bohrdurchmesser in Bibliotheken durch Olimex-Standardgrößen.Erhöht anhand einer Liste in der ULP die Durchmesser normalerweise zusätzlich um 0,1mm, damit Durchkontaktierungsverluste ausgeglichen werden.Die Liste ist leicht editierbar.Ürsprüngliche Datei: round_drills_mm_all_.zip von Rindert NautaApril 2006 siegfriedschwemmer web de \r\nUploaded by Siegfried Schwemmer

6717 Downloads | 347 Likes | 04.30.2006

genpkg_soic.ulp by admin

Generates packages for SMT small outline ICs including SO, SOP, SSOP, TSOP, TSSOP and others.\r\nUploaded by Weartronics from http://www.weartronics.com/

14504 Downloads | 443 Likes | 02.14.2006

genpkg_qfp.ulp by admin

Generates packages for SMT quad flat pack ICs including QFP, SQFP, TQFP, TSQFP and others.\r\nUploaded by Weartronics from http://www.weartronics.com/

10901 Downloads | 427 Likes | 02.14.2006

create-frame.ulp by admin

This User Language Program asks the user to fill in their drawing information like paper size and perforation space description etc. and draws a drawing template with info box.\r\nUploaded by Richard Bekking from ROC Flevoland

6966 Downloads | 377 Likes | 11.23.2005