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si5317_10.lbr by samuell

Si5317 jitter filter from Silicon Labs. This is a filter specially designed for clock signals. The Si5317 is fully configurable, allowing both the work frequency and loop bandwidth to be set. It admits different types of clocks (CML, CMOS, LVDS or LVPECL), being capable of producing such levels too. Based on Silicon Laboratories\' 3rd-generation DSPLL technology, the Si5317 outputs a clock signal having a typical jitter of 300fs.

28591 Downloads | 2095 Likes | 05.17.2016

sxx8xsx_10.lbr by samuell

SxX8xSx SCRs (silicon controlled rectifiers) from Littelfuse (Teccor). These thyristors can control currents up to 0.51A (or 0.8A average), having a maximum voltage drop of 1.7V.

15395 Downloads | 1683 Likes | 05.17.2016

polyfuse-smd_20.lbr by samuell

Littelfuse Polyfuse devices. This new version of the library contains the most recent surface mount resettable fuses (PPTCs) from Littelfuse.

15381 Downloads | 1762 Likes | 05.17.2016

p8x32a_11.lbr by samuell

P8X32A microcontroller from Parallax. This is a 32bit, 8-cog multiprocessor microcontroller, for high speed application that offers a low power consumption. This library contains all available variants. The schematic symbol of the P8X32A was simplified in this new revision.

11900 Downloads | 1704 Likes | 05.17.2016

micrel2.rar by D345thjk

MIC1557 IttyBitty CMOS RC Oscillator, as a Win RAR archive.

11412 Downloads | 1452 Likes | 04.16.2016

o2_micro.lbr by singular

The OZ9938 is LCDM Inverter Controller a high performance, designed for driving large-size Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) applications requiring 2 to 6 CCFLs.

8780 Downloads | 947 Likes | 03.18.2016

cherry.lbr by Wim

Cherry MX keyswitch Cherry MX keyswitch with LED Cherry MX keyswitch with diode Cherry MX DSA keycap

10198 Downloads | 965 Likes | 03.17.2016

sdcard_te.lbr by kovacsj

TE CONNECTIVITY 2041021-3 CONNECTOR, SD, PUSH PULL, SMT, R/A Created by Jozsef Kovacs RobotSzoft kft.

9628 Downloads | 1098 Likes | 03.13.2016

quectel_l76.lbr by kovacsj

Quectel L76 GPS module. Created by Jozsef Kovacs RobotSzoft Kft.

6783 Downloads | 892 Likes | 03.13.2016

drv84321.lbr by adityag

This library is converted from the TI\'s .blx format for easy referencing of eagle files.

6950 Downloads | 1000 Likes | 03.07.2016