

Access the largest collection of free and open source component libraries.

hirose.lbr by admin

This library containes the Hirose SMT connectors commonly used on LCD flat panel displays.\r\nUploaded by Jeff Southern from Cutting Edge Software Inc.

28741 Downloads | 577 Likes | 08.10.1998

qfproto1.zip by admin

Eagle script file demonstration: create library package, QFP-100 test and burn-in socket. \r\nUploaded by Douglas Beattie Jr. from Consultant

25025 Downloads | 547 Likes | 09.19.1998

lucorca.lbr by admin

FPGAs from Lucent Technologies. Please contact me if any errors were found.\r\nUploaded by Richard Hammerl from CadSoft Computer GmbH

21998 Downloads | 555 Likes | 11.09.1998

jst-ph.lbr by admin

JST PH Connector Library\r\nUploaded by Markus Forrer from Oribi

30801 Downloads | 635 Likes | 11.09.1998

xl_cpld.scr by admin

Xilinx -CPLD

22790 Downloads | 536 Likes | 11.20.1998

cap-pan.lbr by admin

Panasonic capacitor library of electrolytics, poly\'s, and tantalums.\r\nUploaded by Bob Starr from RTZ Audio

38650 Downloads | 574 Likes | 11.28.1998

jensen.lbr by admin

Library for JENSEN audio transformers.\r\nUploaded by Bob Starr from RTZ Audio

35358 Downloads | 558 Likes | 11.28.1998

xl_fpga.scr by admin

Xilinx - FPGA XC4003/4003E Scriptfile zum Anh

18906 Downloads | 526 Likes | 02.21.1999

nec_ev92.zip by admin

Package libraries and PDF-Doc files for commonly used sockets of NEC Microcontroller Emulation Systems (EV-Sockets)\r\nUploaded by Ludger Lenzen from TPS, NEC Electronics (Europe) GmbH

21112 Downloads | 538 Likes | 03.10.1999

isel_all.zip by admin

Bibliothek und Script-Files mit Aluminiumprofil-Gehaeusen der Firma ISELautomation.\r\nUploaded by Hans Michael Braeuer from Technisches Buero Braeuer

20985 Downloads | 576 Likes | 05.27.1999