

Read documentation from the EAGLE and the community.

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submit.zip by admin

This zip file contains libraries, ULP\'s, CAM\'s, SCR\'s and instructions for a complete design sequence. There are some other things included like a spreadsheet for calculating trace impedance and other notes on configuration setups and a sample design done with these files. The ULP, CAM and SCR files are either original or modifications of ones from this site. They allow you to take a design from schematic to fabrication, generating Gerber files, DXF and BOM files (in an Excel spreadsheet). The libraries contain models for doing modern surface mount designs at low cost.\r\nUploaded by Jay Dowling from USA

16172 Downloads | 508 Likes | 12.07.2000

eagle_pcb_v5.x.pdf by admin

Light french tutorial to use Eagle V5.x Board Editor . Guide d\'initiation au dessin de circuit imprim

20687 Downloads | 483 Likes | 09.26.2010

faites_vos_ci.zip by admin

Complete practical guide to realizing printed circuits with EAGLE (French).Guide pratique complet pour r

9273 Downloads | 375 Likes | 04.09.2008

eagle_schematicv5.x.pdf by admin

Light french tutorial to use the Eagle V5.x Schematic Editor . Petit guide

12307 Downloads | 489 Likes | 09.26.2010

eprommer_3_3.brd by jairpoll

programador eprom version 3.3

3879 Downloads | 487 Likes | 01.08.2014

cadsoft_testimonial_agreement-blank-usa.zip by JorgeGarcia

The attached zip file contains a word file used to submit user testimonials. It\'s an older Word format so LibreOffice will open them just fine. Please send testimonials to sales@cadsoftusa.com and write testimonial somewhere in the subject line.

2589 Downloads | 567 Likes | 08.30.2013

ulp640_de.pdf by CadSoftSupport

Dokumentation zur User-Language aus der EAGLE-Hilfe-Funktion für Version 6.4.0 als PDF-Datei.

4379 Downloads | 545 Likes | 01.22.2013

tutorial-spa.pdf by admin

Spanish translation of the Eagle4 tutorialTraducci

23414 Downloads | 428 Likes | 12.11.2002

qpi_pcb-design-considerations-2014.pdf by AkbarSukasdi

QPI BV design considerations for PCB design

9722 Downloads | 1027 Likes | 11.25.2015

library_tutorial_eagle.pdf by AkbarSukasdi

library tutorial EAGLE

17506 Downloads | 1226 Likes | 10.25.2015