

Read documentation from the EAGLE and the community.

course-swed.zip by admin

Swedish crash course manual. Describes how the most basic things in Eagle PCB works in swedish.MS-Word 8 document!\r\nUploaded by David Lindh from Sweden

6578 Downloads | 400 Likes | 05.06.2002

course-se.pdf by admin

Swedish crash course manual. Describes how the most basic things in Eagle PCB works in swedish. Now in PDF-format instead of a Word-file due to user requests.\r\nUploaded by David Lindh from Sweden

10471 Downloads | 411 Likes | 09.16.2002

tutorial-spa.pdf by admin

Spanish translation of the Eagle4 tutorialTraducci

23421 Downloads | 428 Likes | 12.11.2002

physik-tabellen-pcb.zip by admin

Physiktabellen: Kupferbreite - Strombelastbarkeit - Widerstand - Isolation - Temperaturabh

15029 Downloads | 418 Likes | 02.18.2003

eagle_help_411_de.zip by admin

Eagle-Hilfe f

13011 Downloads | 373 Likes | 09.08.2003

layer-setup_designrules.pdf by admin

Layer Setup - Design rules examples.\r\nUploaded by A. Zaffran from CadSoft

24358 Downloads | 421 Likes | 04.21.2004

tutorial_eagle_fr.pdf by admin

Tutorial de prise en main d\'Eagle en Fran

18608 Downloads | 426 Likes | 03.19.2005

eagle416r2_help_en.pdf by admin

A PDF file translated from EAGLE 4.16r2 Help html files (English)\r\nUploaded by Wataru Nishida from Japan

18640 Downloads | 404 Likes | 07.28.2007

faites_vos_ci.zip by admin

Complete practical guide to realizing printed circuits with EAGLE (French).Guide pratique complet pour r

9273 Downloads | 376 Likes | 04.09.2008

ulp_en.pdf by admin

The documentation of the User Language from the EAGLE help function version 5.4.0 as PDF file.\r\nUploaded by Richard Hammerl from CadSoft Computer GmbH

10188 Downloads | 407 Likes | 01.22.2009