<User>Language Programs</User>

User Language Programs(ULP)

Customize your EAGLE software with community-created programs.

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connector-pins.ulp by admin

Export a text file of all connector pin locations (uses reference designator prefix) to compare with a mating board to be sure you have the interfacing connectors in the correct location.\r\nUploaded by Kevin Callan

6066 Downloads | 346 Likes | 01.10.2006

gen-stop-mask-via.zip by admin

Generate an individual Solder Stop Mask for Vias\r\nUploaded by A. Zaffran from CadSoft

6289 Downloads | 340 Likes | 12.08.2005

place_layer_cycle.ulp by admin

Keybinder: Toggle Silkscreen. When you\"re routing, you can switch the silkscreen on/off. (handy!) You can map F2 to the command: ASSIGN F2 run \"Place_Layer_Cycle.ulp\"\r\nUploaded by Frank Boon from Metatronics

7324 Downloads | 329 Likes | 11.20.2005

vialist_104.zip by ars662001

shows a list of the via types and the vias with position, type, drill and signal.

2064 Downloads | 433 Likes | 01.08.2014

cleanwire_110.zip.zip by ars662001

This ULP allows the elimination of double wires, stubs and other artifacts around vias and pads. It\'s very useful to eliminate teardrop artifacts on vias and pads created by other scripts.

2984 Downloads | 415 Likes | 01.05.2014

teardrop_113.zip by ars662001

Teardrop creation script Version 1.13. Improves teardrops for small wire/big via/pad. Correction of some glitches.

3392 Downloads | 451 Likes | 01.05.2014

find_in-pins.ulp by admin

ERC-Ergänzung, prüft auf nicht eingefügte Input-Pinssearch for all uninvoked gates with INPUT-Pins\r\nUploaded by Stefan Waldeck from Jünger Audio

6078 Downloads | 305 Likes | 04.29.2005

export-partlist-csv.ulp by hanneseilers

ULP that exports all parts to a csv file. seperating each column with a semicolon. Script skips parts with empty values or from libraries beginning with supply or holes. Parts could be grouped if they have the same value and package-type.

2492 Downloads | 421 Likes | 07.30.2013

rename-sig-with-suffix.ulp by hanneseilers

ULP to rename signals that start with a specific suffix. Example: rename GND1, GND2, ... with suffix GN into GND.

1898 Downloads | 682 Likes | 07.30.2013

epscdraw_411.ulp by admin

Version for Eagle 4.11. This ULP exports board or schematic to Color EPS. Program is based on epsdraw.ulp. Edit EPS file (or this ULP) to change color of printed layers in EPS.\r\nUploaded by Filip Kinovic from ICHT Prague, CZ

5991 Downloads | 324 Likes | 10.27.2004