<User>Language Programs</User>

User Language Programs(ULP)

Customize your EAGLE software with community-created programs.

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snappads.ulp by admin

This ULP moves the pads and smds of a package (in the library editor) to a user-defined mil or mm grid.\r\nUploaded by Rudi Hofer from CadSoft

6299 Downloads | 403 Likes | 06.15.1998

silk.ulp by admin

Some board houses want to have at least 8 mil width for silk screen lines in order to get legible results. This ULP creates new silk screen layers from your layout and changes silk screen line width to 8 mil. For EAGLE version 3.5.\r\nUploaded by Richard Hammerl from CadSoft Computer GmbH

5317 Downloads | 395 Likes | 05.26.1998

netcount.ulp by admin

An ULP who counts the nets and show how many signals are on the net. A warning is generated if only one signal is present.\r\nUploaded by Bernd Krueger-Knauber from infratec plus GmbH

6196 Downloads | 542 Likes | 02.11.1998

part2htm.ulp by admin

This ULP generates a Parts Listing of a board file and outputs it to a HTML file for publishing on a company intranet.\r\nUploaded by Sean D. Alcorn from Avion International Co. Ltd.

6004 Downloads | 553 Likes | 10.13.1997

mod-duplicate-nested.ulp by arminsch

This is a modified version of Bob Starr\'s module duplicate ULP (mod-duplicate.ulp), that also supports nested hierarchies. I\'ve also posted the modifications to Bob - he will incorporate them in newer revisions of his ULP.

2868 Downloads | 1054 Likes | 12.04.2015

vec_epscdraw_720.ulp by Jonathan9192

This is an extended version of epscdraw_411.ulp. It features some default colors for the schematics, the \"TexGyreHeroes-Regular\" vector font embedded in the file and \"real\" vector text.

3018 Downloads | 985 Likes | 09.30.2015

yaalign.ulp by Kopka

YaAlign - Yet another Align Tool Ein einfaches Tool um gruppierte Bauteile untereinander und/oder am Raster auszurichten. (Oben, Unten, Links, Rechts, Mitte, gleicher Abstand) Interaktive Auswahl über Menü. A simple tool to align grouped parts together and/or to the grid. (Top, Bottom, Left, Right, Center, same Distance) Interactive selection via a menu.

2230 Downloads | 523 Likes | 02.15.2015

find2.1.ulp by admin

Diese ULP ist identisch mit find2. Mit dem Unterschied das Grid nicht mehr auf „mil“ und „finest“ gesetzt wird, sondern auf „mm“ und „0,635“.\r\nUploaded by Florian Immel from Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt

5209 Downloads | 310 Likes | 03.20.2006

position.ulp by admin

This program outputs a file with part, position, and orientation data in a comma-delimited format suitable for import into a spreadsheet or database. This version is targetted toward board shops requiring inch-based data. It has been tested with Eagle 4.1x versions. It is based on 4quad.ulp by Sven Petersen.\r\nUploaded by Diehl \\\"Marty\\\" Martin from freeio.org

6131 Downloads | 297 Likes | 02.28.2006

panelize-textalign.ulp by bradavenson

Adds text alignment support to panelize.ulp

2060 Downloads | 534 Likes | 04.02.2014