<User>Language Programs</User>

User Language Programs(ULP)

Customize your EAGLE software with community-created programs.

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0tr_autov12.ulp by admin

Eagle 4.x: Dieses ULP ist eine Hilfe für jeden, der vor das Problem gestellt ist, dass er z.B. Stiftleisten nicht von oben belöten kann. Dieses Programm zeichnet Rechtecke im \\\"tRestrict\\\" um die Pins, die durch ein Rechteck in einem bestimmten Layer markiert sind.NEU: Nun werden auch die Shapes xlongoct und ylongoct unterstuetzt.\r\nUploaded by Marc Dressler

6796 Downloads | 389 Likes | 06.02.2001

drillplan2_0.ulp by admin

Draws a nice drill plan legend with a hole, size, tolerance, and number of holes for each size of hole on the board. The spread sheet looking chart is drawn to the right of the board in the .brd file. The total number of holes is also shown. THIS ULP WILL CREATE A SCRIPT FILE IN ANY DIRECTORY BY ANY NAME OF YOUR CHOOSING. Credit for the original .ulp goes to Cadsoft. modified this to fit the standard we use in the USA.\r\nUploaded by Jeffrey T. Moore from http://printed_circuits.homestead.com

5897 Downloads | 423 Likes | 02.12.2001

adimv3_0in.ulp by admin

This ULP program will put all the necessary dimensions for holes (layer 45) and board outline (arcs and wires on layer 20) on your board -> in inches. AND IN THE DIRECTORY OF YOUR CHOOSING WITH THE NAME OF YOUR CHOOSING. \r\nUploaded by Jeffrey T. Moore from http://printed_circuits.homestead.com

6053 Downloads | 416 Likes | 02.12.2001

mill_me.ulp by admin

use mill_me.ulp to mill holes of different diam\"s in your board with one milling tool only. Based on mill_drill.ulp\r\nUploaded by stefan auchter from scotty engineering, germany

5837 Downloads | 411 Likes | 01.08.2001

icxref095.zip by admin

icxref.ulp (v0.95) will create a set of html files which will display a hyperlinked cross reference among all the parts on a board. I wrote it to make it easier to track down all the pin-to-pin connections on my board, and to spot where connections were missing. It can take a while to run because it keeps jumping out to the schematic context to dig for information. I hope that others find it useful as well. The zip file contains both Unix and PC format versions. This is version 0.95. The primary change here is the addition of a new signal overview page. This page contains record for each contact on every device your board, sorted into groups by connected signal and by entity/contact within these groups. Signal references in the device pages now are hyperlinked to the signal group on the signal map page. \r\nUploaded by Bob Drzyzgula from Federal Reserve Board

5928 Downloads | 427 Likes | 11.07.2000

rotate.ulp by admin

A Rotate utility that isn\"t perfect yet...\r\nUploaded by Xapns Tsiris from My_Home

5445 Downloads | 417 Likes | 05.12.2000

hvpack10.zip by admin

HVPack V1.0 - A collection of new and modified ULP´s Eine Sammlung neuer und erweiteter ULP´sContains: APRINT, BOM3, DRILLCFG, DRILLS, MAKEJUNC, PART2HTM, REPLACE, ROB, SNAP50, SNAPEW25 and UNROUTED.\r\nUploaded by Helmut Vaupotitsch from ITEC

6120 Downloads | 393 Likes | 04.28.2000

bom_tb.zip by admin

Bill Of Material seperated Top & Bottom Stueckliste nach Top und Bottom getrennt\r\nUploaded by A. Zaffran from CadSoft

7393 Downloads | 403 Likes | 04.20.2000

0tr_auto.ulp by admin

Dieses ULP verhindert in markierten Bereichen, dass Pins in der Top-Ebene verbunden werden.\r\nUploaded by Martin Schnell from Schüler

9793 Downloads | 416 Likes | 04.01.2000

snapsch2.ulp by admin

Version 2 from SNAPSCH.ULP. This EAGLE User Language Program produces a script file that can be used to snap the symbols of the current shematic to default grid (0.1 Inch). Please read the header from the ULP. Version 2 von SNAPSCH.ULP. Dieses EAGLE ULP generiert ein Script um die Symbole im aktuellen Schaltplan auf das Default-Grid zu setzen. Lesen Sie unbeding die Erklaerung im Vorspann des ULP.\r\nUploaded by A. Zaffran from CadSoft

5630 Downloads | 438 Likes | 12.21.1999