<User>Language Programs</User>

User Language Programs(ULP)

Customize your EAGLE software with community-created programs.

drillplan.ulp by admin

Draws a nice drill plan legend with a hole, size, tolerance, and number of holes for each size of hole on the board. The spread sheet looking chart is drawn to the right of the board in the .brd file. The total number of holes is also shown. This ULP creates a script named DRAWPLAN.SCR located in your design directory. Credit for the original .ulp goes to Cadsoft. I modified this to fit the standard we use in the USA.\r\nUploaded by Frank Hoffman from LLOYD I/O INC.

6226 Downloads | 447 Likes | 10.20.1999

makelbrnodups.ulp by admin

This little ULP is a modified \\\"MakeLBR.ULP\\\", with instructions included in the .ulp file itself. The improvement is that all library-pac, library-sym, library-dev are checked for library name plus package, symbol, and device name duplication and ignored if they have been edited already. I don\"t know if this will work for all scenarios, however, I used it on a large circuit board schematic with about 550 components, and it generated the libraries for all parts.\r\nUploaded by Frank Hoffman from LLOYD I/O INC.

5714 Downloads | 464 Likes | 10.22.1999

lpkf_drl.ulp by admin

This ULP can be used for drilling with a LPKF milling machine. Dieses ULP erzeugt Bohrdaten, die mit einer Fraesmaschine der Fa. LPKF verwendet werden koennen.\r\nUploaded by Richard Hammerl from CadSoft Computer GmbH

6097 Downloads | 459 Likes | 10.25.1999

adimv2_01mm.ulp by admin

This ULP program will put all the necessary dimensions for holes (layer 45) and board outline (arcs and wires on layer 20) on your board -> in mm. \r\nUploaded by Klein from www.braintechnology.de

6547 Downloads | 472 Likes | 11.01.1999

inoplace.ulp by admin

This ULP generates datas for a Heeb Inotec InoPlacer for automatic mounting of parts \r\nUploaded by Bernd Krueger-Knauber from infratec plus GmbH

5630 Downloads | 443 Likes | 11.18.1999

maskdata.ulp by admin

This ULP generates new layers for solder stop mask and cream frame. This allows to edit/delete certain symbols. Mit diesem ULP kann man eigene Layer fuer die Loetstoppmaske bzw. Lotpastenmaske erzeugen. Diese Symbole koennen einzeln editiert werden.\r\nUploaded by Richard Hammerl from CadSoft Computer GmbH

5716 Downloads | 441 Likes | 11.23.1999

snapsch2.ulp by admin

Version 2 from SNAPSCH.ULP. This EAGLE User Language Program produces a script file that can be used to snap the symbols of the current shematic to default grid (0.1 Inch). Please read the header from the ULP. Version 2 von SNAPSCH.ULP. Dieses EAGLE ULP generiert ein Script um die Symbole im aktuellen Schaltplan auf das Default-Grid zu setzen. Lesen Sie unbeding die Erklaerung im Vorspann des ULP.\r\nUploaded by A. Zaffran from CadSoft

5641 Downloads | 449 Likes | 12.21.1999

snap_sch.zip by admin

ULP to help snapping schematic elements back to the grid\r\nUploaded by Andreas Schulz from at home

6013 Downloads | 452 Likes | 01.28.2000

snaplpin.zip by admin

Snap Symbol-Pins in Library at default Grid\r\nUploaded by A. Zaffran from CadSoft

5754 Downloads | 435 Likes | 02.01.2000

mountsmd.ulp by admin

This ULP generates a file that contains information of all SMD´s in the layout. Can be used with mounting machines.Updated version that distinguishes Top and Bottom layer.\r\nUploaded by Richard Hammerl from CadSoft Computer GmbH

6619 Downloads | 491 Likes | 02.01.2000