<User>Language Programs</User>

User Language Programs(ULP)

Customize your EAGLE software with community-created programs.

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netlinks_v16.zip by admin

Markierung von Netzenden mit I,O und IO - Verweis auf gleiche Netz- und Busnamen durch Angabe der Schaltplanseite. V1.6 mit Bug-Bereinigung für V4.09r56.\r\nUploaded by Andreas Funcke

6200 Downloads | 325 Likes | 08.12.2003

isr.zip by admin

This ULP and associated symbols implement an inter-sheet reference scheme. Running the ULP on a schematic with the intersheet reference (ISR) symbols makes it easy to find where the signal goes on other sheets. This version includes support for using the ISRs on busses as well as nets. This version corrects file path problems.\r\nUploaded by Kevin Callan

5641 Downloads | 333 Likes | 08.08.2003

parts.ulp by admin

This EAGLE User Language Program shows all devices, packages and libraries separately for board and schematic and allows to write a file for copying to Excel.\r\nUploaded by Walter Mücke

6679 Downloads | 340 Likes | 04.16.2003

snap-pin-in-smbol.ulp by admin

Snap (move) PINs in Symbol to Grid (Default)\r\nUploaded by A. Zaffran from CadSoft

5523 Downloads | 357 Likes | 02.05.2003

silk-new.ulp by admin

This is a new version of silk4.ulp for EAGLE version 4.0. It fixed some bugs and adds assorted options.\r\nUploaded by Bill Westfielf from Nuts & Bolts Software

5436 Downloads | 356 Likes | 11.30.2002

updateman.zip by admin

Updatemanager für ein \"echtes\" Update auf Eagle 4.0x mit korrekten Packages und Umwandlung von Devices in Device-Sets. (Update v1.3)\r\nUploaded by Walter Mücke

5511 Downloads | 361 Likes | 11.12.2002

renamsig_4.ulp by admin

updated version to replace renamsig.ulp included with merge_brd files. Now selects only routing layers before re-naming signals.\r\nUploaded by David Moodie from OptoSci Ltd

5358 Downloads | 355 Likes | 11.11.2002

cmd-net-list2sch.zip by admin

Import an EAGLE-Net-List into a schematic, or use in command line, see header.\r\nUploaded by A. Zaffran from CadSoft

6487 Downloads | 345 Likes | 11.04.2002

netlinks_v1.zip by admin

Markierung von Netzenden mit I,O und IO - Verweis auf gleiche Netz- und Busnamen durch Angabe der Schaltplanseite. \r\nUploaded by Andreas Funcke from -

5408 Downloads | 337 Likes | 09.22.2002

addjunctions.ulp by admin

Eagle ULP to create a script which adds junctions to a schematic to remove the ERC missing junction warnings.\r\nUploaded by Bill Auerbach from Softools, Inc.

7665 Downloads | 368 Likes | 08.14.2001