<User>Language Programs</User>

User Language Programs(ULP)

Customize your EAGLE software with community-created programs.

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find-single-ended-wire.ulp by admin

Find single ended wire and vias. Sucht nach offenen Leiterbahnenden und Vias.\r\nUploaded by A. Zaffran from CadSoft

6052 Downloads | 350 Likes | 04.23.2007

fabmaster.ulp by admin

FABMASTER FATF output for EAGLE 4.1 Export Wires with Arc, rotated Pads, Pad Shape Long & Offset rotated Packages in 0.1 degree export rectangle and circle on layer 1, 16, 21, 22 export polygon filling on klayer 1, 16 export text on layer 1,16,21,22 as wire (**vector font**), Export Layer 51/52 (Layer table expanded), Corrected LAYER_NAMES definition for BPLACE.\r\nUploaded by A. Zaffran from CadSoft

6375 Downloads | 396 Likes | 03.26.2007

via-fill.ulp by admin

An ulp that will place vias in a rectilinear or staggered grid inside any polgons of specified nets. Used to provide thermal or hf frequency vias to a board.\r\nUploaded by Philip Pulle from RGB Sunset Productions

6874 Downloads | 350 Likes | 12.05.2006

mod-duplicate.ulp by BStarr

A newer version of my module duplicate ULP that includes duplication of routing (except for power and GND nets). This is still in the initial development stage, but still useful for duplicating some modules.

2128 Downloads | 603 Likes | 09.22.2015

mod-dup-place.ulp by BStarr

This ULP for v7.2 duplicates the placement of a hierarchical module given an x/y offset and source/destination module name instance. No routing duplication is supported, only the placement is duplicated. This is initial release of this ULP.

2031 Downloads | 573 Likes | 12.11.2014

hierarchical_v1.1.zip by morosh

Some ULPs and scripts to do hierachical designs

2975 Downloads | 551 Likes | 07.29.2014

dxfimport1_51.ulp by JorgeGarcia

Left a reference to my debug ulp in the original release. Since none of the users have it, the previous download won\'t work. This one is fixed. Sorry about the oversight

4432 Downloads | 563 Likes | 03.19.2014

change-text-to-vector-in-lbr.ulp by admin

This script loops through all Symbols and Packages in a library and changes Font of any text it finds to Vector. All the text in Eagle libraries are made in the Proportional font, which frequently causes problems while using CAM Processor - CAM Processor automatically converts all the text to Vector font, which frequently causes parts\" Names and Values to shift slightly and overlap with something around at the output. By converting all the text in libraries to Vector font, these problems are eliminated at its source. This program is based on \\\"change-text-in-lbr.ulp\\\" by rtzaudio@mindspring.com \r\nUploaded by Pavel Hanak from Brno University of Technology

7518 Downloads | 393 Likes | 01.09.2006

parts-coords.ulp by admin

This ULP lists all devices, packages and libraries separately for board and schematic. It includes also the location in Schematic (coordinates and sheet of each gate)and Layout (coordinates and layer). The output file is tabulator separated and can be imported into spreadsheet software.\r\nUploaded by Richard Hammerl from CadSoft

6219 Downloads | 357 Likes | 10.10.2005

change-text-in-lbr.ulp by admin

This ULP scans through all packages and changes the text size/ratio for items on the tName, tValue and tPlace layers. \r\nUploaded by Bob Starr from RTZ Audio

11851 Downloads | 415 Likes | 02.07.2005