<User>Language Programs</User>

User Language Programs(ULP)

Customize your EAGLE software with community-created programs.

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drills1.ulp by admin

Provides a board stuffing house with componet locations and hole locations by componet. Also lists rotation and package name.\r\nUploaded by Alex Brown from Aseptino

5863 Downloads | 382 Likes | 09.01.2000

chnwidth2.zip by admin

This ULP generates a script file \\\"chnwidth.scr\" that changes the wire width select in MM MIL INCH. Dieses ULP generiert ein Script \\\"chnwidth.scr\\\" das die Leiter- bahnbreite abhaengig vom Netznamen und Min- Max- Breite aendert. Das Auswahlkriterium \"Netzname\" kann jetzt abgeschaltet und es kann zwischen MM MIL und INCH gewaehlt werden.\r\nUploaded by A. Zaffran from CadSoft

6121 Downloads | 369 Likes | 04.05.2000

snaplpin.zip by admin

Snap Symbol-Pins in Library at default Grid\r\nUploaded by A. Zaffran from CadSoft

5678 Downloads | 386 Likes | 02.01.2000

snap_sch.zip by admin

ULP to help snapping schematic elements back to the grid\r\nUploaded by Andreas Schulz from at home

5937 Downloads | 399 Likes | 01.28.2000

maskdata.ulp by admin

This ULP generates new layers for solder stop mask and cream frame. This allows to edit/delete certain symbols. Mit diesem ULP kann man eigene Layer fuer die Loetstoppmaske bzw. Lotpastenmaske erzeugen. Diese Symbole koennen einzeln editiert werden.\r\nUploaded by Richard Hammerl from CadSoft Computer GmbH

5637 Downloads | 388 Likes | 11.23.1999

driltabh.ulp by admin

This ULP place (or refresh) a Drill legend in the board. You must update and sort the \\\">Option>Setting>Drill\\\" as the drill legend (if necessary). \r\nUploaded by Christian BOHRER from AZ electronic (france)

5464 Downloads | 419 Likes | 08.24.1999

paldrill.ulp by admin

This ULP generates out of the board window a PRO-PAL format used for drilling with ISEL machines. Look at the head of the program to make your settings.\r\nUploaded by Reinhard Daemon from University of Technology Graz/Austria

5250 Downloads | 400 Likes | 03.30.1999

mill3.ulp by admin

Alternative for mill2.ulp which leaves signal GND unmilled so that it flood-filles the pc board. Alternative zu mill2.ulp, die das Signal GND nicht \\\"fraest\\\" und deshalb die Platine mit diesem Signal \\\"fuellt\\\".\r\nUploaded by Rudi Hofer from CadSoft

6143 Downloads | 382 Likes | 12.15.1998

invoke.ulp by admin

This is invoke.ulp with additional sheet info. Dies ist invoke.ulp mit zusaetzlicher Sheet-Information. \r\nUploaded by Rene Koenig

5131 Downloads | 279 Likes | 06.05.2006

change-prefix-in-lbr.ulp by admin

Change device prefixes in a library to a new value.\r\nUploaded by Bob Starr from RTZ Audio

9556 Downloads | 384 Likes | 11.07.2005