<User>Language Programs</User>

User Language Programs(ULP)

Customize your EAGLE software with community-created programs.

matrix.ulp by admin

ULP for quick creation of LED matrixes\r\nUploaded by Stefan Fischer

5386 Downloads | 326 Likes | 11.08.2009

inifile.zip by admin

This ULP is intented for other ULP developers and shall help them to preserve an ULP\"s settings between consecutive runs. This very easy to use approach should fit most of your needs.Dieses ULP ist anderen ULP Entwicklern zugedacht und soll ihnen helfen, die Einstellungen eines ULPs zwischen aufeinanderfolgenden Läufen zu bewahren. Die Funktionaltät des ULPs ist sehr, sehr einfach zu benutzen und sollte den meisten Anforderungen genügen.\r\nUploaded by Rene Koenig

5388 Downloads | 308 Likes | 08.14.2006

find.ulp by admin

Version 2.3. Find also PIN in Symbol and PAD/SMD in Package.\r\nUploaded by A. Zaffran from CadSoft

5389 Downloads | 332 Likes | 01.15.2008

netlinks_v1.zip by admin

Markierung von Netzenden mit I,O und IO - Verweis auf gleiche Netz- und Busnamen durch Angabe der Schaltplanseite. \r\nUploaded by Andreas Funcke from -

5408 Downloads | 337 Likes | 09.22.2002

testpnts.ulp by admin

Modified netlist ULP to include x,y locations of pads, useful for making automatic pcb testing fixtures.\r\nUploaded by Joel Parkinson from Interface Data Systems

5413 Downloads | 323 Likes | 09.29.2005

showall.ulp by admin

SHOWALL.ULP operates the INFO command on every part of your design. This allows you to verify the correct location of smashed parts NAMES an VALUES.\r\nUploaded by Werner Marschik from Highspeed Design and Hybrid Applications

5431 Downloads | 394 Likes | 08.26.1998

statistic-brd.ulp by admin

Board Statistic, corrected Class handling.\r\nUploaded by A. Zaffran from CadSoft

5436 Downloads | 307 Likes | 12.04.2007

silk-new.ulp by admin

This is a new version of silk4.ulp for EAGLE version 4.0. It fixed some bugs and adds assorted options.\r\nUploaded by Bill Westfielf from Nuts & Bolts Software

5437 Downloads | 356 Likes | 11.30.2002

generate_3d_data_v091.ulp by Barry

Generates IDF (.emp,.emn) format 3D CAD exchange files from Eagle (.brd,.sch). Eagle V6 compatibility. FreeCAD IDF import compatibility. FreeCAD can then export STEP, IGES, and other 3D models. Still relies on board thickness outline on layer 50, and component height outlines on layers 57 and 58 of components. Thickness and heights output as 1000 * width of lines on these layers.

5449 Downloads | 456 Likes | 12.28.2013

netlinks_v15.zip by admin

Markierung von Netzenden mit I,O und IO - Verweis auf gleiche Netz- und Busnamen durch Angabe der Schaltplanseite. V1.5 mit neuen Features und Bug-Bereinigung.\r\nUploaded by Andreas Funcke

5453 Downloads | 383 Likes | 10.15.2002