<User>Language Programs</User>

User Language Programs(ULP)

Customize your EAGLE software with community-created programs.

restrict-4.04.ulp by admin

A modified version of restrict-4.03.ulp. This restrict.ulp will work under version 4.1 and accurately restrict pads according to pad type. Purpose of this script is to restrict top component pads to be included in the double sided Autorouting. \r\nUploaded by Atif Ahsan from SSUET, Pakistan

5302 Downloads | 305 Likes | 10.24.2006

exp-lbrs-replace2.ulp by BStarr

I modified the export project ULP to allow exporting all parts into a single project specific library. BUT, the magic part is that it also generates a script you can run afterward to replace all parts in the schematic so they reference the newly created project specific library. I\'ve also updated the ULP so it now shows a list of all libraries used in a schematic and it allows selecting which library parts to export/replace. Now you can easily export and edit any of the parts in any of your designs within a single project specific library on the fly!

5307 Downloads | 1124 Likes | 09.22.2015

silk.ulp by admin

Some board houses want to have at least 8 mil width for silk screen lines in order to get legible results. This ULP creates new silk screen layers from your layout and changes silk screen line width to 8 mil. For EAGLE version 3.5.\r\nUploaded by Richard Hammerl from CadSoft Computer GmbH

5316 Downloads | 394 Likes | 05.26.1998

eagle_to_3d_3_4.ulp by KeithRichman

EAGLE-TO-3D A single button click creates 3D PCBs directly from EAGLE. Thousands of EAGLE Library Components are mapped to 3D models. The ULP also includes free use of the IDF-to-3D tool that allows users to connect additional unmapped footprints to 3D models. Generate a free 3D PDF file or purchase a 3D STEP file or 3D Printer Prototype of your PCB. Upgraded Version 3.4 includes links to a new 3D Mapping Tutorial Video and a Best Practices PDF.

5324 Downloads | 464 Likes | 12.10.2012

attrib-add.ulp by admin

This ULP allows you to quickly add attributes (part #\"s, temp codes, etc) to parts in schematics. Select the part(s) with the group command, execute this ULP and select or enter the attribute to add. Attach this ULP to a keystroke or menu item for quick access.\r\nUploaded by Bob Starr from RTZ Audio

5328 Downloads | 357 Likes | 02.14.2010

drillegend4x.ulp by admin

extended version of drillegend.ulp from Christian Bohrer You can extend the symbol list below the line: ARRAY OF EAGLE DRILL SYMBOLS in the source text of this ULP.\r\nUploaded by A. Zaffran from CadSoft

5336 Downloads | 300 Likes | 10.18.2007

rotatev1.ulp by admin

This ULP is a new version of rotation.ulp. (same function) Additional the STEP-command generate a array from the component.\r\nUploaded by Julia Rechenbach from Layout Entwicklung fuer Leiterplatten

5343 Downloads | 382 Likes | 06.13.1998

mount-marks.ulp by admin

This ULP generates data for mounting machines, incl. passer mark. Please read description in ULP.\r\nUploaded by A. Zaffran from CadSoft

5357 Downloads | 327 Likes | 11.26.2007

renamsig_4.ulp by admin

updated version to replace renamsig.ulp included with merge_brd files. Now selects only routing layers before re-naming signals.\r\nUploaded by David Moodie from OptoSci Ltd

5358 Downloads | 355 Likes | 11.11.2002

rotate.ulp by admin

A Rotate utility that isn\"t perfect yet...\r\nUploaded by Xapns Tsiris from My_Home

5378 Downloads | 379 Likes | 05.12.2000