<User>Language Programs</User>

User Language Programs(ULP)

Customize your EAGLE software with community-created programs.

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bom-ex139.zip by admin

The latest version of BOM-EX with some minor UI changes, bug fixes and other enhancements.\r\nUploaded by Bob Starr from RTZ Audio

2272 Downloads | 456 Likes | 02.27.2012

teardrops105.ulp by admin

Latest version of via/pad teardrops fixed to work with Eagle v6 (thanks to Walter Muewa). The version also works on v5 as well. The teardrop pads feature has been modified to improve the pad teardrop fill.\r\nUploaded by Bob Starr from RTZ Audio

2732 Downloads | 410 Likes | 02.21.2012

bom-ex137.zip by admin

Latest 1.37 version of BOM-EX. A full BOM and part ordering system for Eagle using attributes. Now includes CSV order upload file generation for Mouser. Improved attribute apply performace. \r\nUploaded by Bob Starr from RTZ Audio

2558 Downloads | 454 Likes | 02.11.2012

snap2grid.ulp by admin

Snaps the origins of parts in the current selected group to a specified grid. Handy for initial placement of parts in a new board design. This ULP can be called from any of the EAGLE editors (board, schematic, package, etc.), though not all elements can be snapped. Can be called to undo the last Snap2Grid operation in the current editor. Type \'run Snap2Grid.ulp help\' for a comprehensive usage description and examples.\r\nUploaded by Dave Billin from EAGLE user

3468 Downloads | 459 Likes | 01.26.2012

eagle2kicad-0.9c.ulp by admin

This ULP converts the symbols and packages of an eagle library to the format of the KiCAD PCB suite. The current version is 0.9c. (0.9b is NOT compatible with actual kicad versions) This Scripts is released under the GNU Public license\r\nUploaded by Rene Semmelrath from --

16626 Downloads | 576 Likes | 01.02.2012

brd_to_dsn_v6.ulp by admin

This is the brd_to_dsn file for EAGLE V6. The modifications relate to the change of the unit step in V6 from 1/10000 mm to 1/320000 mm. \r\nUploaded by Robert Boers from Stromasys SA

7215 Downloads | 500 Likes | 12.15.2011

align2.ulp by admin

Aligns board components in group or listed at the command line. This ulp can align components along a line parallel to the x or y axis of the board. The direction of alignment is autodetected by looking at the position of the components. The alignment direction can also be forced. This is an update. Added increment, alignment to reference object, force of direction and minor changes. Better documentation and more examples: Se Eagle Control Panel:User Language Programs:Align.ulp\r\nUploaded by Danny Damhave from Damhave Systems

2701 Downloads | 449 Likes | 12.11.2011

select4.ulp by admin

Selects components or nets listed at the command line. The component or nets can be added, subtracted or filter the existing group or define a new group. Rename file to select.ulp before use. Update: Support for classes, Experimental load/save of selection group. Better examples/documentation. See: Eagle Control Panel:User Language Programs:select.ulp\r\nUploaded by Danny Damhave from Damhave Systems

2243 Downloads | 464 Likes | 12.10.2011

select3.ulp by admin

Selects components or nets listed at the command line. The component or nets specified at the commandline can be added or subtract to the existing group, filter the existing group, or define a new group. Please rename file from select3.ulp to select.ulp before use. This is an update: Now works in Schematic, added device type, minor change to syntax to allow \"-\" in names, minor bugfix for names with \"+\" chrs.\r\nUploaded by Danny Damhave from Damhave Systems

1973 Downloads | 506 Likes | 12.03.2011

replicate_board.rar by admin

To panelize is so easy with this Ulp. You can see the video this link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TUEg5p5pdOQ.\r\nUploaded by Emerson Ospino Urbano from Perú

7489 Downloads | 515 Likes | 12.01.2011