<User>Language Programs</User>

User Language Programs(ULP)

Customize your EAGLE software with community-created programs.

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autonet.ulp by admin

This ULP connects pins to nets on a schematic based on command arguments or a net definition file. The purpose is to speed up attaching multiple pins to nets and reduce errors. Allows for specifying net lengths, bend styles and net classes. Works across multiple sheets in a schematic.\r\nUploaded by Alan Samet from Tampa, FL

6612 Downloads | 365 Likes | 08.20.2004

ultimatefind_v1.1.zip by admin

ultimatefind_v1.1.zip. Bugfix. To mutch zoom when the grid was not inches\r\nUploaded by &#370; yvind Eggen from jotron

5803 Downloads | 342 Likes | 07.05.2004

traceres.ulp by admin

This ULP calculates the resistance and current capacity of all traces on a board. The result is a text overlay that makes a good visual aid.\r\nUploaded by Chris Holmes from NASA Glenn Research Center

8577 Downloads | 375 Likes | 05.10.2004

epscdraw.ulp by admin

This ULP export board or schematic to Color EPS. Program is based on epsdraw.ulp. Edit EPS file (or this ULP) to change color of printed layers in EPS.\r\nUploaded by Filip Kinovic from VSCHT Praha, CZ

5841 Downloads | 350 Likes | 05.10.2004

epsdraw.ulp by admin

This ULP export board or schematic to EPS. Program is based on psdraw4.ulp. Edit EPS file to make mirror and/or upside down. \r\nUploaded by Filip Kinovic from VSCHT Praha, CZ

5864 Downloads | 331 Likes | 05.10.2004

show-netclass-by-layer.ulp by admin

This ULP runs in a schematic and defines the layers 190 Class0, 191 Class1, ... 197 Class7. It then draws (or traces) wires on the layer corresponding to the class of every net.\r\nUploaded by Neil Allison from Avon Technical Solutions, NZ

5205 Downloads | 329 Likes | 02.18.2004

fill-via4vacuum.ulp by admin

Generate a mask to fill vias for vacuum adapter.\r\nUploaded by A. Zaffran from CadSoft

6324 Downloads | 354 Likes | 12.08.2003

drillplan3_0_mm.ulp by admin

The same as drillplan3_0 but the diameters are in Millimeters [mm] Generates Drill Legends - This version (3.0) adds separate counts for plated holes, and draws table smallest-to-largest to better match drill config files.\r\nUploaded by Richard Hammerl

6246 Downloads | 332 Likes | 11.06.2003

array-qfpsmd.zip by admin

This ULP automates the process of creating surface mount quad flat pack arrays. Unzip to ULP directory.\r\nUploaded by George C Blat from BRD Corp

6374 Downloads | 340 Likes | 11.03.2003

make_drillfile.zip by admin

This ULP generates a drill tool table (*.drl) and a drill statistics (*.drs). The drill statistics is a table of drill diameters with the associated number of drills and the total number of drills. \r\nUploaded by Sven Petersen from Amotec GmbH

6051 Downloads | 347 Likes | 11.03.2003