<User>Language Programs</User>

User Language Programs(ULP)

Customize your EAGLE software with community-created programs.

export-protelpcb_wfcpp_modify.ulp by wfcpp

I\'ve modified Alex Galakhov\'s export-protelpcb.ulp,and fixed some bugs in dealing of layers. Note that values of any part exlude string like \"1%\".

4205 Downloads | 459 Likes | 12.10.2012

3d_ulp_v2.2.zip by Theodorsen

3D ULP by Søren Theodorsen Making PRO Engineer 3D assembly files from EAGLE files using IDF and DXF. Documentation and example are included. Works with EAGLE 5.11-6.2 and ProEngineer WF5. Version 2.2: Fixed a bug where dimension layer arc were discrete to 10 degrees. Fixed a bug where circles in dimension were not made as holes.

4545 Downloads | 441 Likes | 12.05.2012

fixdrills.ulp by JorgeGarcia

This ULP rounds drill sizes to the nearest mil. Originally created by Chuck Huber.

2796 Downloads | 451 Likes | 12.04.2012

change-pad-prefix.ulp by BStarr

This ULP can be used to remove \"P$\" prefix from pad names in a package so just the numeric portion remains. Handy for cleaning up sloppy library parts.

2091 Downloads | 496 Likes | 11.30.2012

import-accel.ulp by CadSoftSupport

After initial export of P-CAD / Altium and Protel boards and schematics to ACCEL ASCII format (also kown as TangoPRO ASCII or P-CAD ASCII ) you can import your designsherewith into EAGLE. Beside English and German this ULP also supports Russian language.

4468 Downloads | 518 Likes | 11.29.2012

eagle_to_3d.ulp by KeithRichman

EAGLE-TO-3D A single button click to creates 3D PCBs directly from EAGLE. Thousands of EAGLE Library Components are mapped to 3D models. Users can also use the IDF-to-3D interface for free to map 3D models to unmapped components. Generate a free 3D PDF file or purchase a 3D STEP file or 3D Printer Prototype of your PCB.

4462 Downloads | 455 Likes | 11.21.2012

add_attrib_all_devices.ulp by lrc

Adds attributes automatically to ALL variants of all devices in currently opened library. Easily use a .scr file in conjunction with this ulp to add multiple attributes to every variant of every device in the current library. See the header comments for a complete description.

2680 Downloads | 467 Likes | 11.17.2012

hyperlynx_6_3.zip by kdv

This zip contains hyperlynx.ulp for Eagle version 6.3 and higher. hyperlynx.ulp is a script to export Eagle boards to Hyperlynx. The boards are then simulated using Hyperlynx (commercial) or openEMS (open source). Striplines and microstrips can be simulated this way. Difference between this script and the standard Eagle hyperlynx.ulp: - uses layer names instead of layer numbers - adds export of polygons - correctly exports copper thickness. Hyperlynx is a simulation package from Mentor Graphics, http://www.mentor.com openEMS is an open source electromagnetic field solver, http://www.openems.de koen 14.11.12

2395 Downloads | 458 Likes | 11.15.2012

doublelayermodelamillanddrill_eagle6plus.zip by Oswald

New version of Eagle compliant for double layer, through hole PCB manufacturing for Roland Modela 3D-plotters used in Fablab\"s all over the world. Uploaded by Oswald van Ginkel from CRCED, fablab -- Updated resolution to comply with Eagle 6+\'s new 32x higher resolution. It will solve the problem of seemingly incorrect scaling when plotting toolpaths

2347 Downloads | 451 Likes | 11.10.2012

in.ulp by stefan6973

Um etwas mehr Übersicht in die vielen ULPs zu bekommen, bietet es sich an diese thematisch in Unterverzeichnisse zu verschieben. Leider ist Eagle nicht in der Lage dem ULP-Namen vorangestellte, relative Pfade aufzulösen. Dieses ULP ermöglicht es, ULPs strukturiert abzulegen und trotzdem einfach zu starten. Dafür muss dieses ULP nur in das Standard-ULP-Verzeichnis kopiert werden und der Aufruf wie folgt angepasst werden. run in my_sub_dir my_ulp ---------------------------------- Common ulp starter for ulps in sub dirs of the standard ulp directory. The reason is that eagle can\'t handle relative paths in run commands. This ulp resolves relative paths in run commands: run in my_sub_dir my_ulp

1935 Downloads | 531 Likes | 10.30.2012