
Reference Designs

Learn how to use EAGLE from a variety of example projects.

mirksiukas.zip by admin

energy saving led flash supply DC 3.3V - 10V, at 3.6V flash frequency 0,3 Hz, 30uA 9V 1Hz, 300uA. \r\nUploaded by Darius Vainilavicius from student from KTU

13166 Downloads | 383 Likes | 01.28.2006

fiber_optics.zip by admin

fiber optic multiplex\r\nUploaded by kim hwan seop from yongjin electronics co.

13366 Downloads | 384 Likes | 04.01.2006

audiogen.zip by admin

Sinus-Funktions-Generator f

21577 Downloads | 407 Likes | 04.20.2006

diycres.brd by admin

150W Mosfet audio amplifier, base from Elektor Crescendo (1982), used 2SK1058/2SJ162 Hitachi Lateral Mosfets.\r\nUploaded by samidi telo from mahakam weave

20301 Downloads | 417 Likes | 04.25.2006

adapter_neu.zip by admin

DIL32-Adapter mit R8/C13. Alle Signale werden auf Pin\'s gefuehrt\r\nUploaded by Michael Hamacher from RWTH Aachen - Institut f

13320 Downloads | 382 Likes | 05.04.2006

alarm.zip by admin

Eine Alarmanlage mit AVR, HexCode und LCD-Display, einseitiges Layout\r\nUploaded by Michael Hamacher from RWTH - Aachen

27277 Downloads | 433 Likes | 05.16.2006

logic_probe.zip by admin

Two logical probes with pulse detection, which were published at http://www.uoguelph.ca/~antoon/ \r\nUploaded by Daniel Jos

15645 Downloads | 400 Likes | 09.01.2006

tda7294.zip by admin


21493 Downloads | 435 Likes | 09.04.2006

c-control-unit2.zip by admin

C-Control Unit-2 Application Schematic and Board. Front-Keyboard follows. C-Control Unit-2 Applikations Schaltplan und Platine. Front-Keyboard folgt.\r\nUploaded by Michael Hamacher from RWTH Aachen

13872 Downloads | 414 Likes | 10.06.2006

speaker_protection.rar by admin

Audio Power Amp. pop & click free speaker protection circuit (eliminates noise during turn-on and turn-off).\r\nUploaded by Arpad Attila Bakos from HUNGARY

20919 Downloads | 445 Likes | 10.18.2006