
Reference Designs

Learn how to use EAGLE from a variety of example projects.

slc.sch by admin

A 20W halogen lamp wireless SLC\r\nUploaded by Alex Tsekenis from Greece#1

13102 Downloads | 438 Likes | 02.02.2002

andi_1_high_precision_comp.sch by admin

High precision amp & comparator for low budget experimenters . I uploaded this circuit last december but my email address was the wrong one ...SO VERY SORRY many more circuits to come . Gilles D

13122 Downloads | 434 Likes | 03.13.2003

umpoler.sch by admin

Umpoler - Dient zur Drehrichtungs

13159 Downloads | 613 Likes | 08.09.2000

mirksiukas.zip by admin

energy saving led flash supply DC 3.3V - 10V, at 3.6V flash frequency 0,3 Hz, 30uA 9V 1Hz, 300uA. \r\nUploaded by Darius Vainilavicius from student from KTU

13164 Downloads | 382 Likes | 01.28.2006

adapter_neu.zip by admin

DIL32-Adapter mit R8/C13. Alle Signale werden auf Pin\'s gefuehrt\r\nUploaded by Michael Hamacher from RWTH Aachen - Institut f

13319 Downloads | 381 Likes | 05.04.2006

alteraprogrammiergeraetneu.sch by admin

Dieses Ger

13327 Downloads | 421 Likes | 08.03.2003

fiber_optics.zip by admin

fiber optic multiplex\r\nUploaded by kim hwan seop from yongjin electronics co.

13363 Downloads | 383 Likes | 04.01.2006

sch_pcb.rar by admin

pic12f508 based IR control night lamp&#65292; using a bright led&#12290; sch and brd files included&#12290; \r\nUploaded by Hate Math from earth

13452 Downloads | 405 Likes | 07.26.2010

netztester.sch by admin

Kleiner Netztester zur

13473 Downloads | 596 Likes | 08.08.2000

herz.zip by admin

Blinkendes Herz (16LED) zum verwenden als spezielles Namesschild f

13605 Downloads | 555 Likes | 01.05.2001