

Access the largest collection of free and open source component libraries.

micrel-ksz8863fll.lbr by JKLIR

Micrel KSZ8863FLL - Integrated 3-Port 10/100 Managed Switch with PHYs 1x 10/100BASE-T/TX 1x 10/100BASE-FX 1x MII interface

3562 Downloads | 488 Likes | 03.10.2014

pc3h710nipsoic4.lbr by yttrium

Optical isolator

3563 Downloads | 492 Likes | 01.14.2015

hmc5883l.lbr by saeedmou

Library for GY-271 3-axis HMC5883L Compass Module.

3566 Downloads | 490 Likes | 09.03.2014

armmite1.lbr by rgrubb

This library enables the Coridium ARMmite microcontroller card to be mounted as a daughter card on a larger PCB. All 24 I/O lines and the uC 3.3 V power are made available. The uC may be powered from 5V on the PCB by making a link on the ARMmite board to the power connector. Using 0.1\" pitch header pins and sockets the ARMmite can be made plug in. The ARMmite is a very competent ARM7 32 bit uC, programmable in Visual Basic or C, and supporting Floating Point arithmetic. See http://www.coridiumcorp.com/ for details.

3568 Downloads | 548 Likes | 01.12.2015

j_phycore_arm9_lpc3250_molex_55091-1679.lbr by yttrium

EAGLE dual-connector footprint and signal names for PhyCORE LPC3250 system on module

3570 Downloads | 507 Likes | 01.13.2015

Voltera Templates Library by Voltera

We have developed a Library for EAGLE that contains parts for all of the templates and substrates in our store. Using it is easy, just drop in the template as you would any other part and away you go. https://support.voltera.io/hc/en-us/articles/115004265027

3579 Downloads | 751 Likes | 09.15.2017

altera_cyclone_iv.lbr by GerhardHickel

Enthält EP4CE30F23 bzw. EP4CE40F23 im FBGA484-Gehäuse. Pinbelegung ist so gamcht, das beide als \"Migration-Devices\" funktionieren.

3582 Downloads | 534 Likes | 01.13.2015

microchip-smsc-lan8720.lbr by cederom

LAN8720A/LAN8720Ai Small Footprint RMII 10/100 Ethernet PHY Transceiver with HP Auto-MDIX Support from SMSC / Microchip. (C) 2014 Tomasz Boleslaw CEDRO, cederom@tlen.pl, http://www.tomek.cedro.info. Version 0.1 (2014-01-04): Initial release.

3598 Downloads | 422 Likes | 02.19.2014

vishay-sic620x.lbr by rich55uk

Here is the library for Vishay devices SiC620 and SiC620A which are are integrated power stage solutions optimized for synchronous buck applications to offer high current, high efficiency, and high power density performance. Packaged in Vishay’s proprietary 5 mm x 5 mm MLP package which has complicated footprint and I\'ve spent the most time for creating it.

3600 Downloads | 431 Likes | 11.09.2014

microchip-sst12cp21.lbr by rich55uk

Here is the library for Microchip device SST12CP21 which is 2.4 GHz High-Gain, High-Efficiency Power Amplifier. It has package UQFN16 3x3mm and I\'ve created the footprint for it.

3601 Downloads | 462 Likes | 10.13.2014