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intersil-isl8240m.lbr by rich55uk

The library for ISL8240M which is a fully-encapsulated step-down switching power supply that can deliver up to 100W output power from a small 17mmx17mm PCB footprint. The two 20A outputs may be used independently or combined to deliver a single output of 40A. I\'ve spent the most time for creating so complicated its footprint. Take look to see it then!

3481 Downloads | 503 Likes | 08.23.2014

tl082cn.lbr by narutards


4665 Downloads | 429 Likes | 08.21.2014

macom-maal-011111.lbr by rich55uk

Here is the library for MAAL-011111 which is a three stage 22 - 38 GHz GaAs MMIC low noise amplifier. This device has a small signal gain of 19 dB with a noise figure of 2.5 dB. The device comes with package QFN16 3x3mm.

3408 Downloads | 557 Likes | 08.16.2014

micrel-dsc400.lbr by rich55uk

Here is the library for micrel DSC400 which is a four output crystal-less™ clock generator. It utilizes Micrel’s proven PureSilicon™ MEMS technology to provide excellent jitter and stability while incorporating additional device functionality. The frequencies of the outputs can be identical or independently derived from common PLLs. The device comes with package QFN20 5x3.2mm which footprint I\'ve designed from scratch.

3408 Downloads | 496 Likes | 08.16.2014

microchip-mcp45hvx1.lbr by rich55uk

Here is the library for Microchip digital pot which can work at higher voltage up to 36V in analogue circuitry, with programmable resistance 5k, 10k, 50k and 100k. I\'ve designed the footprint for package QFN20-MQ from scratch.

4207 Downloads | 415 Likes | 08.14.2014

intersil-isl85003_isl85003a.lbr by rich55uk

This the library for Highly Efficient 3A Synchronous Buck Regulator with DFN12 package that I created from scratch.

3408 Downloads | 508 Likes | 08.12.2014

nxp-pca9955a.lbr by rich55uk

The library for PCA9955A which is an I2C-bus controlled 16-channel constant current LED driver optimized for dimming and blinking 57 mA Red/Green/Blue/Amber(RGBA) LEDs in amusement products. The device has HTSSOP28 package and I\'ve designed the library for it from scratch and you won\'t find it anywhere else.

3955 Downloads | 395 Likes | 08.09.2014

analog-devices-ada4870.lbr by rich55uk

Here is the library for high speed, high voltage up to 40V, 1 A output drive amplifier. Ideal for driving high capacitive or low resistive loads. Applications: Envelope tracking, power FET driver, ultrasound, piezo drivers, PIN diode drivers, waveform generation, automated test equipment (ATE), CCD panel drivers, composite amplifiers.

4395 Downloads | 380 Likes | 08.07.2014

microchip-pic18f25k22.lbr by rich55uk

Here is the library for PIC18F25K22 which could be replacement for PIC16F883. Both have the same pin layout

4516 Downloads | 391 Likes | 08.07.2014

texas-tpl7407l.lbr by rich55uk

Do you remember very popular 7 channel Darlington array ULN2003? Texas Instruments has issued CMOS version of it - TPL7407L and here is the library for it.

4653 Downloads | 382 Likes | 08.05.2014