

Access the largest collection of free and open source component libraries.

avago-mga-43003.lbr by rich55uk

Here is the library for Avago Technology device MGA-43003 which is High Linearity (1.805 – 1.88) GHz Power Amplifier Module. I\'ve created special dedicated footprint from scratch.

3446 Downloads | 553 Likes | 09.21.2014

huawei_mg323-b.lbr by DominikGuz


3446 Downloads | 609 Likes | 09.17.2014

altera_cyclone_v.lbr by GerhardHickel

Enthält 5CEBA4F23 im FBGA484-Gehäuse

3447 Downloads | 610 Likes | 01.13.2015

intersil-isl85003_isl85003a.lbr by rich55uk

This the library for Highly Efficient 3A Synchronous Buck Regulator with DFN12 package that I created from scratch.

3447 Downloads | 532 Likes | 08.12.2014

exar_xr71211.lbr by rich55uk

Library for the XR71211which is a ultra low drop-out voltage regulator capable of delivering an output of 1.5Amps. It differentiates from its competitors by being able to operate from a single supply rail of 1.4V to 2.625V without the need for a noise generating charge pump or secondary bias rail

3447 Downloads | 556 Likes | 07.28.2014

maximintergrated-max71314-max71315.lbr by rich55uk

Smart metering becomes very popular these days and many companies produce specialized ICs for that and today I\'ve designed the library for Maxim Integrated devices MAX71314/MAX71315 which are single-Phase Electricity Meter SOCs. It comes with 100 pins package LQFP 14x14mm.

3448 Downloads | 512 Likes | 11.02.2014

freescale-fxln83xxq.lbr by rich55uk

Here is the library for Xtrinsic FXLN83xxQ which is 3-Axis Low Power Analog-Output Accelerometer. It comes with package QFN12 and I\'ve designed the footprint for it.

3451 Downloads | 533 Likes | 10.22.2014

melexis-th72001.lbr by rich55uk

Here is the library for Melexis device TH72001 which is FSK transmitter IC designed for applications in the 315 MHz industrial-scientific-medical (ISM) band. It can also be used for any other system with carrier frequencies at 290 to 350MHz. It comes in package SOIC8. At my facebook page you can find much more new libraries I\'ve recently designed . Feel free to visit my fp at My facebook page

3454 Downloads | 572 Likes | 12.15.2014

muge.lbr by AchimH

Platinenumriss Flanschgehäuse mit Wanne: Muge 43 c/o Strapubox 521. Gesperrte Bereiche (z.B.: für Schrauben) sind gestrichelt dargestellt.

3456 Downloads | 493 Likes | 03.05.2014

altera_cyclone_iii.lbr by GerhardHickel

Einige weitere Cyclone III Devices.

3457 Downloads | 543 Likes | 01.13.2015