

Access the largest collection of free and open source component libraries.

arduino.lbr by mothome

Arduino Nano

50213 Downloads | 832 Likes | 10.24.2012

x-port.lbr by admin

LANSeriell-Converter: The XPort is the most compact, integrated solution available to web-enable any edge device with a serial interface.\r\nUploaded by Heiko K

50475 Downloads | 435 Likes | 05.12.2004

7sh.lbr by admin

Some 7SH tiny logic in SMD packages.\r\nUploaded by Bob Starr from RTZ Audio

50806 Downloads | 432 Likes | 11.18.2005

irf-2.lbr by admin

MOSFETS and IGBTs from International Rectifier\r\nUploaded by Tilo Renz from University of Ulm

51018 Downloads | 476 Likes | 03.21.2005

blueradio-br-sc30a.lbr by admin

I\'m a student of computer science.\r\nUploaded by Wilian Fran

51181 Downloads | 423 Likes | 09.23.2006

78xx_with_heatsink.lbr by admin

78xx/79xx voltage regulator in TO-220 package in a horizontal position with the FK231-SA220/DO-2 heatsink underneath\r\nUploaded by Pawel Szramowski from Silesian University of Technology, Poland

53315 Downloads | 460 Likes | 09.21.2007

atmel-avr32.lbr by admin

AT32UC3A0128/0256/0512 and AT32UC3A1512/1256/1128. Corrected footprints for LQFP144. \r\nUploaded by Bob Starr from RTZ Audio

56014 Downloads | 466 Likes | 10.25.2010

conrad.lbr by admin

C-Control-Pro Module (Pro32 und Pro128) von Conrad Electronic\r\nUploaded by Thomas Heller from Thomas Heller Technology

58380 Downloads | 448 Likes | 04.22.2006

dip204b-4nlw.lbr by admin

Library for DIP204B series LCD displays from Electronic Assembly (www.lcdmodule.de)\r\nUploaded by Ray Ackley from Ford

58762 Downloads | 446 Likes | 03.04.2005

pic16f6xx-1.lbr by admin

Added PIC 16F630\r\nUploaded by Alexander Graf from [student of] Lise-Meitner-Gymnasium Falkensee

58896 Downloads | 464 Likes | 07.12.2006