

Access the largest collection of free and open source component libraries.

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amd_taxi.lbr by admin

AMD Taxi Chips library, fiber optic link transceivers\r\nUploaded by Arto Kyyhkynen from Project Manager

25240 Downloads | 462 Likes | 06.03.2001

updated.zip by admin

Updated libraries with devices descriptions and \"end-of-life\" products removed for Analog Device, Burr Brown, ECL, Coilcraft and Motorola 68000 & DragonBall librairies.\r\nUploaded by David Zolli from La Rochelle Innovation (www.larochelle-innovation.com)

24042 Downloads | 455 Likes | 05.25.2001

resistor-ruf.lbr by admin

resistor\r\nUploaded by crmkp from turkey

62630 Downloads | 508 Likes | 05.05.2001

hacesoft.lbr by admin

Conector DIN\r\nUploaded by pavel from none

25305 Downloads | 436 Likes | 04.16.2001

wolleatmel.lbr by admin

atmel at89ls8252 deviceno nc pins\r\nUploaded by wolle

21121 Downloads | 458 Likes | 04.11.2001

vs1001.lbr by admin

Library f

20997 Downloads | 431 Likes | 03.25.2001

cygnal.zip by admin

Cygnal Flash-Mikrocontroller Library www.cygnal.com\r\nUploaded by Axel Gelhoet from Wagner Alarm- und Sicherungssysteme

22358 Downloads | 393 Likes | 03.15.2001

scenix4.lbr by admin

fixed layers >NAME and >VALUE for all SX parts in symbol\r\nUploaded by Marc-Oliver Borck from Uni Hannover

20649 Downloads | 400 Likes | 11.21.2000

mc68ez328.lbr by admin

Motorola MC68EZ328 Dragonball library element.\r\nUploaded by Tom Walsh

22185 Downloads | 415 Likes | 10.08.2000

satcard.lbr by admin

Version 0.1 of SmartCard and ISO 7816 library\r\nUploaded by Groenweghe st

33451 Downloads | 431 Likes | 09.02.2000