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californiamicro.lbr by admin

8870 DTMF Decoder, California Micro http://www/calmicro.com - I have no association with that company, also, check the part for errors, just in case...\r\nUploaded by Douglas Pearless from Pearless Consulting Limited

24771 Downloads | 390 Likes | 03.16.2003

zilog-z8-encore-v1_1.zip by admin

Zilog Z8 Encore 40-, 44-, 68-, and 80-pin parts.\r\nUploaded by Douglas Beattie Jr. from ICONIX Research, Ogden UT, U.S.A.

24358 Downloads | 380 Likes | 03.10.2003

ftdi3.lbr by admin

Updated FTDI USB interface library, with corrected package information (the original version placed the pins on a 0.5 mm pitch, which is incorrect)\r\nUploaded by Scott Alfter from SSAI

28274 Downloads | 401 Likes | 03.04.2003

national.lbr by admin

National Semiconductor analog devices (MOSFET drivers only)\r\nUploaded by Don Gibson from Vancouver, Canada

33486 Downloads | 410 Likes | 02.20.2003

gpsms1.lbr by admin

Library for GPSMS1. A single chip GPS receiver by u-Blox AG (www.u-blox.com) and manufactured by Siemens.\r\nUploaded by Bradley Looy from Scope Technolgies

22372 Downloads | 385 Likes | 02.15.2003

hopf.lbr by admin

DCF77 Receiver Modul 4455 (hopf) - http://www.hopf-time.com\r\nUploaded by Frank Boden

21673 Downloads | 411 Likes | 02.14.2003

avr.lbr by admin

Eagle Library f

40868 Downloads | 442 Likes | 02.13.2003

con-fujitsu-pcmcia.lbr by admin

PCMCIA Connector with Ejector on left side (FUJITSU FCN-565P068-G/XC-4V) {corrected pad numbers}\r\nUploaded by Frank Boden

27328 Downloads | 383 Likes | 02.12.2003

phytec.lbr by admin

This library contains the Socket for a Minimodul C167 from PHYTEC. If you find any errors, please contact me.\r\nUploaded by Holger Menges from Internormen Filter GmbH

20169 Downloads | 374 Likes | 02.04.2003

h_bridge.zip by admin

Library for the SN754410NE, 1A dual H-bridge driver. Data sheet included.\r\nUploaded by Ben Axelrod from Syracuse University

23622 Downloads | 413 Likes | 02.01.2003