

Access the largest collection of free and open source component libraries.

schule_xl.lbr by cmyk61

Grundlegende, teils ungenormte Bauteile zur Erstellung von einfachen Schaltplänen für den Sekundarunterricht mit Fokus auf gute Erkennbarkeit der Funktion.

4024 Downloads | 421 Likes | 05.21.2014

etrx357_logical.lbr by Telegesis

ETRX357 family of ZigBee modules. Schematic pins arranged by function

4040 Downloads | 412 Likes | 11.09.2012

ast3tq_10.lbr by samuell

AST3TQ oscillators from Abracon. These are high precision oscillators (0.28ppm), having available frequencies of 10.00MHz, 12.80MHz, 19.20MHz, 20.00MHz, 25.00MHz, 26.00MHz, 30.72MHz, 38.40MHz and 40.00MHz. All oscillators from this series output a CMOS level square wave.

4044 Downloads | 563 Likes | 07.12.2015

tf32.lbr by samuell

CTS TF32 series crystals. These are 32.768 crystals for RTC applications and are supplied in a small and convenient SMD package, measuring only 3.2mm by 1.5mm wide. Contains all available technologies.

4046 Downloads | 414 Likes | 11.21.2014

con-sil.lbr by Bas

An Special Dual Sil connector (20 pins) with a total of 40 pins for a special controller, the Elmicro: Chip1768 http://Elmicro.com/en/chip1768.html

4046 Downloads | 395 Likes | 10.03.2013

q2687v2.lbr by MICOOL

Q2687 of SIERRA WIRELESS v2.0 in this version i\'m connected correctly the pin symbol with device

4046 Downloads | 417 Likes | 04.17.2012

te0720_gigazee.lib-eagle.2014-04-07.lbr by TrenzElectronic

Trenz Electronic TE0720s are industrial-grade SoMs (system on modules) integrating a leading-edge Xilinx Zynq-7000 SoC, gigabit Ethernet transceiver, 32-bit-wide 1 gigabyte DDR3 SDRAM, 32 megabyte SPI Flash memory for configuration and operation, eMMC, and powerful switch-mode power supplies for all on-board voltages.

4048 Downloads | 428 Likes | 04.09.2014

st-microelectronics-vl6180x.lbr by rich55uk

Here is the library for st-microelectronics device VL6180X which is proximity and ambient light sensing (ALS) module. The L6180X is the latest product based on ST’s patented FlightSense™ technology. This is a ground-breaking technology allowing absolute distance to be measured independent of target reflectance. I\'ve created dedicated footprint for this device. For more libraries visit My facebook group

4048 Downloads | 444 Likes | 01.20.2015

p8x32a_10.lbr by samuell

P8X32A microcontroller from Parallax. This is a 32bit, 8-cog multiprocessor microcontroller, for high speed application that offers a low power consumption. This library contains all available variants.

4050 Downloads | 645 Likes | 09.10.2015

memory-issi-asynsram.lbr by JensFromGermany

asynchronous SRAM from ISSI

4055 Downloads | 419 Likes | 05.02.2014