<User>Language Programs</User>

User Language Programs(ULP)

Customize your EAGLE software with community-created programs.

scroll-layer1.0.ulp by dcoryh192

Pretty much editnext-sheet/editprev-sheet, but for board layouts. Scrolls through visible copper layers based on what is used. Will work with any amount of copper layers (up to 16 of course) with no extra configuration. Top, bottom, and all also display respective place, name, docu layers as well. The ULP should be pretty easy to edit to change this behavior.

1851 Downloads | 577 Likes | 07.30.2013

align3.ulp by GerhardHickel

Anpassung von align2 an die neue Auflösung von Eagle 6.x. Benutzt jetzt mic2u, mm2u, usw.

1852 Downloads | 589 Likes | 06.13.2013

checkvariant.ulp by SengPeter

Prüft ob der Name der Variante dem übergebenen Argument entspricht Gebrauch: RUN CheckVariant [String] Beispiele: RUN CheckVariant 1 RUN CheckVariant CarTago RUN CheckVariant Falls String nicht dem Namen der Variante entspricht gibt das ULP Rückgabewert 1 zurück, andernfalls 0. Wird das ULP ohne Argument aufgerufen, so wird geprüft ob der Name der Variante der Standard-Variante entspricht. Das ULP kann dazu benutzt werden die Ausführung eines Scriptes abzubrechen. Autor: Peter Seng

1892 Downloads | 530 Likes | 10.12.2012

in.ulp by stefan6973

Um etwas mehr Übersicht in die vielen ULPs zu bekommen, bietet es sich an diese thematisch in Unterverzeichnisse zu verschieben. Leider ist Eagle nicht in der Lage dem ULP-Namen vorangestellte, relative Pfade aufzulösen. Dieses ULP ermöglicht es, ULPs strukturiert abzulegen und trotzdem einfach zu starten. Dafür muss dieses ULP nur in das Standard-ULP-Verzeichnis kopiert werden und der Aufruf wie folgt angepasst werden. run in my_sub_dir my_ulp ---------------------------------- Common ulp starter for ulps in sub dirs of the standard ulp directory. The reason is that eagle can\'t handle relative paths in run commands. This ulp resolves relative paths in run commands: run in my_sub_dir my_ulp

1935 Downloads | 529 Likes | 10.30.2012

align4.ulp by GerhardHickel

Weitere Änderungen: Es ist jetzt möglich mit der Option \"-k\", die bisherige Bauteile-Reihenfolge beim Anordnen beizubehalten. Die Bauteile werden dann nicht mehr nach Bauteile-Namen sortiert neu angeordnet, sondern in der bisherigen Reihenfolge neu ausgerichtet.

1951 Downloads | 535 Likes | 06.13.2013

scroll-layer1.1.ulp by dcoryh192

***v1.1 Update: Fixed bug where layers wouldn\'t scroll correctly if a layer was visible but not used, a.k.a. nothing had been placed on the layer yet.*** Pretty much editnext-sheet/editprev-sheet, but for board layouts. Scrolls through visible copper layers based on what is used. Will work with any amount of copper layers (up to 16 of course) with no extra configuration. Top, bottom, and all also display respective place, name, docu layers as well. The ULP should be pretty easy to edit to change this behavior.

1967 Downloads | 545 Likes | 08.09.2013

select3.ulp by admin

Selects components or nets listed at the command line. The component or nets specified at the commandline can be added or subtract to the existing group, filter the existing group, or define a new group. Please rename file from select3.ulp to select.ulp before use. This is an update: Now works in Schematic, added device type, minor change to syntax to allow \"-\" in names, minor bugfix for names with \"+\" chrs.\r\nUploaded by Danny Damhave from Damhave Systems

1973 Downloads | 505 Likes | 12.03.2011

toggle-layer.ulp by dcoryh192

Simple ULP to toggle layers. Intended to use with key shortcuts, but works fine in any application. Argument can be either layer name or number, or a mix of both. Only tested in Layout but should work in lib/lay/sch. No limit to number of arguments. Special CLI option to toggle all arguments the same direction or each individually.

1976 Downloads | 496 Likes | 02.25.2013

mark-here.ulp by axeme

Place the mark on various board, schematic, and package objects via the context menu.

1979 Downloads | 529 Likes | 01.02.2014

rename-sig-with-suffix.ulp by hanneseilers

ULP to rename signals that start with a specific suffix. Example: rename GND1, GND2, ... with suffix GN into GND.

1980 Downloads | 735 Likes | 07.30.2013