<User>Language Programs</User>

User Language Programs(ULP)

Customize your EAGLE software with community-created programs.

fastgcode.zip by admin

The ULP *FastGcode* is a optimized and flexible G-code generator - toolpaths generated are 3 to 10 faster than similar programs. In the zip you will find two versions that are optimized for Eagle 4.16 and 5.4 ( the only differences are the control positions in the dialog. Happy milling to all ! Livio \r\nUploaded by Livio Cicala

9063 Downloads | 419 Likes | 03.12.2009

exp-lbr-pcb.ulp by admin

Export library packages to PCB footprints. PCB is an interactive printed circuit board editor for the X11 window system.\r\nUploaded by Ruslan V. Uss

9057 Downloads | 405 Likes | 06.05.2010

fastplacer.ulp by admin

FastPlacer erleichtert das Platzieren der Bauteile, indem es erlaubt, bestimmte Netzklassen (z.B. GND und supplies) in den Airwires auszublenden.\r\nUploaded by Luc Eberhard from EOL Eberhard

8856 Downloads | 402 Likes | 10.27.2006

change-symbol-pinname-char.ulp by admin

Replaces a character in pin names for all symbol pins in a library to a new character (e.g. RESET\\\\ to RESET#). \r\nUploaded by Bob Starr from RTZ Audio

8675 Downloads | 379 Likes | 06.30.2007

traceres.ulp by admin

This ULP calculates the resistance and current capacity of all traces on a board. The result is a text overlay that makes a good visual aid.\r\nUploaded by Chris Holmes from NASA Glenn Research Center

8597 Downloads | 396 Likes | 05.10.2004

autoroute_classes.ulp by admin

Specify the classes to autoroute. Useful for autorouting multilayer SMT boards where the supply classes are routed first, then the analog classes, then the rest.\r\nUploaded by Ed Anuff

8546 Downloads | 375 Likes | 06.03.2004

adjust_net_names.ulp by admin

This ULP moves the net/bus names so that they do not rest directly on the wire. This helps to better discern an E from an F, for example. This version corrects pathname problem, the error where Eagle sometimes chooses the wire first rather than the text, and now works on busses as well as nets.\r\nUploaded by Kevin Callan

8477 Downloads | 372 Likes | 10.22.2003

eaglespice.zip by admin

ULP for generating a SPICE netlist for WINSPICE Spice-Engine. Supports Operating Point, DC Sweep, AC, Transient and Transfer Function Analyse with Parameter and Temperature Sweep.\r\nUploaded by Rudolf Thalbauer from Frauscher Sensortechnik

8407 Downloads | 393 Likes | 11.23.2008

cnc-drill.ulp by admin

Erstellt ein CNC drill file\r\nUploaded by Norman Urs Baier from Teseq AG

8391 Downloads | 394 Likes | 04.08.2008

drill-legend.zip by admin

Place a drill legend on Layer 144 Only for Eagle Version 4.11 or higher. Version check fixed\r\nUploaded by A. Zaffran from CadSoft

8383 Downloads | 347 Likes | 06.04.2004