<User>Language Programs</User>

User Language Programs(ULP)

Customize your EAGLE software with community-created programs.

snap_bom.ulp by KeithRichman

SNaP_BOM.ulp generates BOM output in CSV format that is optimized for RMC’s SNaP Product. SNaP is low cost, materials resource planning software, that was developed to assist engineering groups and small businesses in managing BOMs, technical datasheets, tracking material and labor costs, streamlining purchasing activity, scheduling builds, and managing inventory. For a free SNaP trial, visit www.rmc-inst.com

2583 Downloads | 566 Likes | 03.04.2014

felicitas_pcbsim.ulp by CadSoftSupport

Interface for PCBSim, a simulation tool for signal integrity analysis developed by Felicitas Customized Engineering GmbH.

3734 Downloads | 601 Likes | 03.03.2014

distribute.ulp by DougWellington

Distribute 1.0 - distribute grouped parts on board layout. After using arrange.ulp, parts will be arranged in piles on the layout. Select a pile and run this script to separate the parts to make it easier to manipulate each one. Can be used on any selected group of parts.

2547 Downloads | 598 Likes | 02.20.2014

arrange.ulp by DougWellington

Arrange 1.0 - arrange parts on board grouped by schematic page. Used with a multi-page schematic, this script will arrange the parts on the board into separate piles, one pile per schematic sheet. Use distribute.ulp to separate each pile.

2825 Downloads | 600 Likes | 02.20.2014

camprep2.zip by dukepro

Set of files to analyze a board and generate Gerber files and EXCELLON drill file. It will also prepare a ZIP of these suitable for delivery to a board fabrication house. Please see enclosed README. This zip file includes the correct drillcfg2.ulp, whereas the first upload did not.

3166 Downloads | 580 Likes | 02.19.2014

component-array.ulp by JorgeGarcia

This ULP assumes the components to be arrayed are in the board or schematic prior to the ULP being run. Can handle both rectangular arrays and circular arrays.

2406 Downloads | 600 Likes | 01.22.2014

dxfimport_1.4.ulp by bcoleman

Modified DXFImport v1.3 to permit applying a scale factor to the DXF data (and optionally the linewidth and origins).

3664 Downloads | 617 Likes | 01.09.2014

smdpadlist_101.zip by ars662001

shows a list of the smd and pads with the name, signal, type, position and layer.

2582 Downloads | 585 Likes | 01.08.2014

partlist_105.zip by ars662001

Shows the partlist with all part info that can be used on schematics or board. On double-clic, the part is highlighted. If the schematics has several sheets, it will jump to the sheet of the selected part. Partlists can be saved from sch or brd.

3217 Downloads | 580 Likes | 01.08.2014

signallist_102.zip by ars662001

shows a list of the signals with the name, number of associated wires, airwires, vias, mean position and length sum.

2688 Downloads | 584 Likes | 01.08.2014