<User>Language Programs</User>

User Language Programs(ULP)

Customize your EAGLE software with community-created programs.

dxf-col0.ulp by admin

Some drawing programs can\"t import dxf files that use color number 0. This ULP has been modified to avoid this color number. Requires EAGLE 4.11r05 or higher.\r\nUploaded by Richard Hammerl from CadSoft Computer GmbH

9739 Downloads | 434 Likes | 04.06.2005

import-bmp.zip by admin

Check for wrong Byte Address Range (if BitMaP saved with Coral Draw)\r\nUploaded by A. Zaffran from CadSoft

9725 Downloads | 481 Likes | 04.02.2007

change-prefix-in-lbr.ulp by admin

Change device prefixes in a library to a new value.\r\nUploaded by Bob Starr from RTZ Audio

9625 Downloads | 445 Likes | 11.07.2005

dxfblack.ulp by admin

Dieses ULP erzeugt eine schwarz/weis DXF-Grafik. This ULP generates black/white dxf files.\r\nUploaded by Richard Hammerl from CadSoft Computer GmbH

9611 Downloads | 459 Likes | 05.11.2000

exp-project-lbr.zip by admin

Create library or libraries from schematic/board Correct working path Optional: Create with or without LBR-Name as Prefix ULP-Version 4.1.5\r\nUploaded by A. Zaffran from CadSoft

9564 Downloads | 422 Likes | 04.28.2005

orcad_netlist.ulp by admin

Takes a board file and exports an OrCad Layout ASCII file. The ULP exports the compnents and netlist, along with X&Y and rotation. With a properly matched library between Orcad and Eagle (footprint names and datum point) a decent OrCad layout can be achieved. Even the parts are placed exactly the same! Only the nets would have to be routed.\r\nUploaded by Claudio Irrgang from Micro Interface Design

9491 Downloads | 407 Likes | 03.10.2004

card_edge_board_fingers_(generic_inch).ulp by admin

This ULP generates a script which, when run in a library editor window, creates generic card edge board fingers (inch dimensions), with two key symbols per \\\"device\\\" (keys added to schematic by REQUESTing them. The keys are NOT automatically added to the generated board, they must be added manually). The ULP (written for 4.09r2) is fairly well documented. Feel free to modify it for your specific finger spacings/sizes.\r\nUploaded by Thomas Barlet from USA

9358 Downloads | 402 Likes | 12.13.2003

bom3_csv_v2.ulp by admin

Modified version of bom3.ulp that can output the Bill of Materials in 2 additional formats: CSV (i.e. comma-separated) and CSVExcel (MS Excel/Access compatible comma-separated). This copy fixes a bug in bom3_csv.ulp that I just uploaded.\r\nUploaded by Benjamin West from St. Louis, MO

9223 Downloads | 375 Likes | 09.25.2003

adimv4_0mm.ulp by admin


9156 Downloads | 398 Likes | 03.04.2005

libedit.ulp by admin

Library editor - Now with View!. This program will list all of the symbols and packages in a library when one is selected it will display the devices using that symbol or package. It will also list the devices in the library and upon selection display the symbols and packages being used by it. It will also rename of delete symbols, packages, and/or devices. It shows the number of devices using a symbol or package so unused symbols or packages can be quickly located.\r\nUploaded by Jim Thurman from NeuroCom Intl

9126 Downloads | 436 Likes | 04.18.2007