<User>Language Programs</User>

User Language Programs(ULP)

Customize your EAGLE software with community-created programs.

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unidat.ulp by admin

Generates output in UNIDAT format which is used by UNICAM software. This software provides data for automatic mounting and test equipment.\r\nUploaded by Rudi Hofer from CadSoft

5184 Downloads | 451 Likes | 04.28.1999

paldrill.ulp by admin

This ULP generates out of the board window a PRO-PAL format used for drilling with ISEL machines. Look at the head of the program to make your settings.\r\nUploaded by Reinhard Daemon from University of Technology Graz/Austria

5330 Downloads | 469 Likes | 03.30.1999

sm_all.ulp by admin

This ULP smashes all elements in the layout. \r\nUploaded by Reinhard Daemon from University of Technology GRAZ/Austria

5577 Downloads | 456 Likes | 03.29.1999

millsw01.ulp by admin

Fräsen von LPs basierend auf mil3.ulp mit folgenden Erweiterungen:- Draehtenden entsprechend Eagle- Mehr Pad und Via-Formen- Unterdruecken von kurzen Drahtstuecken damit der Fräserkopf nicht unnoetig auf/abgesenkt wird.\r\nUploaded by Werner Schattmann from Schattmann

5650 Downloads | 429 Likes | 01.26.1999

part.ulp by admin

Bauteileliste nach Baut.typen sortiert\r\nUploaded by Ivor Krause from Institut für Nachrichtentechnik

6106 Downloads | 427 Likes | 01.22.1999

mill3.ulp by admin

Alternative for mill2.ulp which leaves signal GND unmilled so that it flood-filles the pc board. Alternative zu mill2.ulp, die das Signal GND nicht \\\"fraest\\\" und deshalb die Platine mit diesem Signal \\\"fuellt\\\".\r\nUploaded by Rudi Hofer from CadSoft

6227 Downloads | 444 Likes | 12.15.1998

mill2.ulp by admin

Corrected version of mill.ulp: Generates milling shapes which can be edited and output with the CAM Processor. Erzeugt Fraeskonturen, die man editieren und mit dem CAM-Prozessor ausgeben kann.\r\nUploaded by Rudi Hofer from CadSoft

6327 Downloads | 452 Likes | 12.15.1998

mill_drill.ulp by admin

Output Milling Drills for CNC machines to be used as an addition tomill2.ulp and mill3.ulp by Rudi Hofer, CadSoft\r\nUploaded by Jörg Becker from TU-Darmstadt, Institut für Elektrische Energieversorgung

6786 Downloads | 471 Likes | 12.10.1998

vias.ulp by admin

Program that counts the number of vias and its location in a board\r\nUploaded by Cisneros Loeza Luis Enrique from Siemens SA DE CV

5867 Downloads | 433 Likes | 11.27.1998

renum130.ulp by admin

Two new features added to renum120.ulp Now allows renumbering starting from any corner (independantly top and bottom). You can also specify a new suffix to start with on solder side. This ULP will generate the script file to renumber as well as a preview file.\r\nUploaded by Michel Dagenais from PCB Designer.

6597 Downloads | 456 Likes | 10.07.1998