<User>Language Programs</User>

User Language Programs(ULP)

Customize your EAGLE software with community-created programs.

drillplan.ulp by admin

Draws a nice drill plan legend with a hole, size, tolerance, and number of holes for each size of hole on the board. The spread sheet looking chart is drawn to the right of the board in the .brd file. The total number of holes is also shown. This ULP creates a script named DRAWPLAN.SCR located in your design directory. Credit for the original .ulp goes to Cadsoft. I modified this to fit the standard we use in the USA.\r\nUploaded by Frank Hoffman from LLOYD I/O INC.

6233 Downloads | 459 Likes | 10.20.1999

chkpin01.zip by admin

CHKPIN01.ULP checks the placement of gates/pins (default Grid) in the schematic testet die Plazierung (default Grid) der Gates/Pins im Schaltplan SNAPSCH.ULP snap the symbols of the current shematic to default grid (0.1 Inch) generiert ein Script um die Symbole im aktuellen Schaltplan auf das Default-Grid zu setzen\r\nUploaded by A. Zaffran from CadSoft

5935 Downloads | 490 Likes | 10.06.1999

extd_erc.zip by admin

Version 1.4 This EAGLE User Language Program performs several checks on the nets and pins of a schematic. These checks have been implemented as an addition to the builtin ERC, and shall later be incorporated in the editor itself. Pleas read the ULPs header. Dieses ULP ergaenzt den Electrical Rule Check (ERC). Diese Funktionen werden in einer spaeteren Eagle-Version integriert. Lesen Sie die Info im Dateikopf.\r\nUploaded by A. Zaffran from CadSoft

24117 Downloads | 504 Likes | 09.28.1999

psscale.ulp by admin

Scales up or down a part or a symbol in a library. More on \r\nUploaded by Hansjörg Sämann

5771 Downloads | 463 Likes | 09.12.1999

unidat20.ulp by admin

UNIDAT output with one shape per package type (allows package libraries).\r\nUploaded by Rudi Hofer from CadSoft

5215 Downloads | 474 Likes | 09.10.1999

b_cnc.ulp by admin

Bohrdaten und Board-Outline zurweiteren Aufbereitung für CNC \r\nUploaded by Anton Riedl

8152 Downloads | 465 Likes | 09.10.1999

excellon.ulp by admin

This EAGLE User Language Program produces a EXCELLON output file which uses only one Tool (T01)independent of the drill diameter (No drill rack is necessary)It\"s used for drilling milled boards to reduce the amount of tool changes.\r\nUploaded by G.Datler from @home

7026 Downloads | 473 Likes | 09.01.1999

driltabh.ulp by admin

This ULP place (or refresh) a Drill legend in the board. You must update and sort the \\\">Option>Setting>Drill\\\" as the drill legend (if necessary). \r\nUploaded by Christian BOHRER from AZ electronic (france)

5545 Downloads | 483 Likes | 08.24.1999

teilelst.ulp by admin

Diese ULP erzeugt aus einem Board eine Teileliste incl. Preisen der wichtigsten Bauteile und einer Zusammenfassung xx * 10k Rxx,Ryy usw. Passend f. Tabellenkalkulationen.\r\nUploaded by Peter Fuchs from Universitaet Regensburg

5879 Downloads | 468 Likes | 07.07.1999

viscomnew.ulp by admin

This ULP program generated CAD data for optical inspection system VISCOM\r\nUploaded by Milan Trubelik from AEV spo. s r.o.

5248 Downloads | 475 Likes | 05.06.1999