<User>Language Programs</User>

User Language Programs(ULP)

Customize your EAGLE software with community-created programs.

count.ulp by admin

Counts Pads, Vias, Smds and Holes in a layout.\r\nUploaded by Richard Hammerl from CadSoft Computer GmbH

6419 Downloads | 427 Likes | 09.28.2000

stkdoc.ulp by admin

V1.0 of an ULP which copies all parts with prefix X to new layers and docments their pins with their connected signal names.\r\nUploaded by Martin Bammer from TU-Wien

5211 Downloads | 416 Likes | 09.12.2000

drills1.ulp by admin

Provides a board stuffing house with componet locations and hole locations by componet. Also lists rotation and package name.\r\nUploaded by Alex Brown from Aseptino

5938 Downloads | 441 Likes | 09.01.2000

unrouted2.ulp by admin

The unrouted.ulp has been altered to reduce the large number of airwires that can easly be created. The script generates \"unrouted.txt\" and \"correct.scr\" files. By running the last one, it can wire all airwires that satisfy cirtain criteria. Doesn\"t work properly in all circumstances but can be still effectively used.\r\nUploaded by Levente Torok from University of Miskolc

8164 Downloads | 440 Likes | 06.16.2000

rotate.ulp by admin

A Rotate utility that isn\"t perfect yet...\r\nUploaded by Xapns Tsiris from My_Home

5462 Downloads | 435 Likes | 05.12.2000

dxfblack.ulp by admin

Dieses ULP erzeugt eine schwarz/weis DXF-Grafik. This ULP generates black/white dxf files.\r\nUploaded by Richard Hammerl from CadSoft Computer GmbH

9610 Downloads | 458 Likes | 05.11.2000

hvpack10.zip by admin

HVPack V1.0 - A collection of new and modified ULP´s Eine Sammlung neuer und erweiteter ULP´sContains: APRINT, BOM3, DRILLCFG, DRILLS, MAKEJUNC, PART2HTM, REPLACE, ROB, SNAP50, SNAPEW25 and UNROUTED.\r\nUploaded by Helmut Vaupotitsch from ITEC

6145 Downloads | 411 Likes | 04.28.2000

bom_tb.zip by admin

Bill Of Material seperated Top & Bottom Stueckliste nach Top und Bottom getrennt\r\nUploaded by A. Zaffran from CadSoft

7414 Downloads | 419 Likes | 04.20.2000

chnwidth2.zip by admin

This ULP generates a script file \\\"chnwidth.scr\" that changes the wire width select in MM MIL INCH. Dieses ULP generiert ein Script \\\"chnwidth.scr\\\" das die Leiter- bahnbreite abhaengig vom Netznamen und Min- Max- Breite aendert. Das Auswahlkriterium \"Netzname\" kann jetzt abgeschaltet und es kann zwischen MM MIL und INCH gewaehlt werden.\r\nUploaded by A. Zaffran from CadSoft

6200 Downloads | 433 Likes | 04.05.2000

0tr_auto.ulp by admin

Dieses ULP verhindert in markierten Bereichen, dass Pins in der Top-Ebene verbunden werden.\r\nUploaded by Martin Schnell from Schüler

9807 Downloads | 437 Likes | 04.01.2000