<User>Language Programs</User>

User Language Programs(ULP)

Customize your EAGLE software with community-created programs.

change-pad-in-lbr.zip by admin

This ULP changes shape, diameter, and drill diameter of all pads in a library\r\nUploaded by A. Zaffran from CadSoft

8002 Downloads | 409 Likes | 07.16.2001

panelize.zip by admin

This ULP offers a way to get an array of several boards with identical silk screen. Please read the hints in the file. This Version support Spin-Flag, require version >= 4.11.Das ULP erlaubt eine Nutzenerstellung bei dem der Bestueckungsdruck auf den einzelnen Platinen gleich bleibt. Bitte lesen Sie die Hinweise in der Datei.Diese Version unterstützt das Spin-Flag und setzt eine Version >= 4.11 voraus.\r\nUploaded by A. Zaffran from CadSoft

8029 Downloads | 369 Likes | 12.10.2004

exp_project_lbr_1_2.ulp by admin

Export project libraries from schematic or board. Requires version 4 or greater. Substitutes exp_project_lbr_1_1.ulp.\r\nUploaded by Rudi Hofer from CadSoft

8070 Downloads | 447 Likes | 05.16.2001

adimv4_0in.ulp by admin


8093 Downloads | 406 Likes | 03.04.2005

spiral-coil.zip by admin

Spiral-Spulen-Generator für mehr Info drücken Sie den Help-Button.This ULP generate a print coil, press Help on menue for more info.\r\nUploaded by A. Zaffran from CadSoft

8105 Downloads | 379 Likes | 01.25.2005

b_cnc.ulp by admin

Bohrdaten und Board-Outline zurweiteren Aufbereitung für CNC \r\nUploaded by Anton Riedl

8152 Downloads | 465 Likes | 09.10.1999

unrouted2.ulp by admin

The unrouted.ulp has been altered to reduce the large number of airwires that can easly be created. The script generates \"unrouted.txt\" and \"correct.scr\" files. By running the last one, it can wire all airwires that satisfy cirtain criteria. Doesn\"t work properly in all circumstances but can be still effectively used.\r\nUploaded by Levente Torok from University of Miskolc

8164 Downloads | 440 Likes | 06.16.2000

change_prefix.ulp by admin

Updated 28 MAR 2003 [written for V4.11] Includes a fix for a bug that caused devices to be created without packages and symbols. This ULP opens a dialog box that requests the prefix to change and the new prefix. It then opens each library in turn, checks each device for the old prefix, and if found, changes it to the new prefix. Note that the prefix is changed using a script file that is automatically run after all libraries are scanned.\r\nUploaded by Thomas Barlet from SC, USA

8234 Downloads | 397 Likes | 03.30.2004

spice.zip by admin

ULP for generating a SPICE netlist (any comment is welcome)\r\nUploaded by Rudi Hofer from CadSoft

8275 Downloads | 463 Likes | 04.22.1998

import-tango.ulp by admin

This ULP can be used to translate Tango Netlist to Eagle script. If you wish to use your OrCad schematic with Eagle Layout than just export your netlist into Tango format and translate with this ULP to Eagle Script. Eagle footprints can be already added into OrCad schematic. \r\nUploaded by Ralf Kilguss from Endpoints Inc.

8296 Downloads | 377 Likes | 01.15.2003