<User>Language Programs</User>

User Language Programs(ULP)

Customize your EAGLE software with community-created programs.

exp-lbrs-replace.ulp by BStarr

Latest export/replace project libraries modified from Eagle 6.4.0 version. Highly useful for cleaning up parts from bogus library part designers!!

2668 Downloads | 435 Likes | 04.11.2013

make-pogo-package2.ulp by BStarr

Latest version works with thru-hole and SMD test point pads. This ULP generates a script from an existing board that can be run in a library to create a device that represents the PCB with pogo pin holes that match the X/Y locations of SMD test points that contain the attribute \'POGOPIN\'. The SMD test points can be on the top or bottom side of the board and MUST also have an attribute of type \'POGOPIN\' defined for each test point that requires a hole location for mounting a pogo pin

1935 Downloads | 404 Likes | 04.12.2013

replace-supply-symbol.ulp by BStarr

This ULP lets you replace all instances of a supply symbol in a schematic with a supply symbol from a different supply library.

2039 Downloads | 417 Likes | 04.19.2013

choose-airwires.ulp by JorgeGarcia

Hides all airwires except a group of airwires selected via the group command. Use \'RATS *\' at the command line to unhide all airwires. Modified version of Bob Starr\'s hide-airwires.ulp.

1907 Downloads | 447 Likes | 05.07.2013

eagle2freerouter.ulp by Elco

[updated version 29-May-2013] Converter to use the Freerouter autorouter (www.freerouting.net), replacing the brd_to_dsn.ulp utility. Ability to set internal layer keepouts, protect wires, via\'s and polygons. Usage guide available in the Freerouting technical support forum.

2870 Downloads | 415 Likes | 06.04.2013

align4.ulp by GerhardHickel

Weitere Änderungen: Es ist jetzt möglich mit der Option \"-k\", die bisherige Bauteile-Reihenfolge beim Anordnen beizubehalten. Die Bauteile werden dann nicht mehr nach Bauteile-Namen sortiert neu angeordnet, sondern in der bisherigen Reihenfolge neu ausgerichtet.

1868 Downloads | 475 Likes | 06.13.2013

align3.ulp by GerhardHickel

Anpassung von align2 an die neue Auflösung von Eagle 6.x. Benutzt jetzt mic2u, mm2u, usw.

1763 Downloads | 528 Likes | 06.13.2013

show-airwires.ulp by SengPeter

Show airwires and parts selected by group command in schematic, ease partitial place and route of functional blocks.

2112 Downloads | 411 Likes | 06.24.2013

createsymsmdpackage_rel3.zip by PEUKERTSIOS

A dialog guided ulp to generate dual line symmetric packages like SOP TSSOP and square packages like QFP. An exposed pad optionally can be generated. Release 3: Conflict between variable names and new built in functions in EAGLE 6.4 fixed Release 2: Fixes the unit conversion in EAGLE 6

2380 Downloads | 414 Likes | 06.24.2013

scroll-layer1.0.ulp by dcoryh192

Pretty much editnext-sheet/editprev-sheet, but for board layouts. Scrolls through visible copper layers based on what is used. Will work with any amount of copper layers (up to 16 of course) with no extra configuration. Top, bottom, and all also display respective place, name, docu layers as well. The ULP should be pretty easy to edit to change this behavior.

1765 Downloads | 512 Likes | 07.30.2013