<User>Language Programs</User>

User Language Programs(ULP)

Customize your EAGLE software with community-created programs.

camprep2.zip by dukepro

Set of files to analyze a board and generate Gerber files and EXCELLON drill file. It will also prepare a ZIP of these suitable for delivery to a board fabrication house. Please see enclosed README. This zip file includes the correct drillcfg2.ulp, whereas the first upload did not.

3167 Downloads | 582 Likes | 02.19.2014

add_attrib_lbr.ulp by admin

a ULP to add an attribute to all devices in an opened library\r\nUploaded by Maurice SAAB from SEC-lebanon

3157 Downloads | 391 Likes | 07.02.2011

bom-ex150.zip by BStarr

The latest version of BOM-EX now includes a package verify feature. The packages codes can be defined in the database for each part. The package check features compares the database package code against the device package to verify each package has the proper footprint assigned for a particular part.

3145 Downloads | 494 Likes | 02.28.2013

measureslength.ulp by admin

This Ulp read all the wires placed in measures layer (47) and draw the length in the board of each wire. If modified some wire of measures layer run this ulp again.\r\nUploaded by Emerson Ospino Urbano from Perú(South America)

3143 Downloads | 420 Likes | 09.08.2011

ulp_querydigikey.inc by admin

ULP Include file. Provides the function QueryDigikey(). Given a Digikey part number, it returns the quantity available and pricing information.\r\nUploaded by Alex Mykyta from Student

3115 Downloads | 391 Likes | 03.14.2011

bom-ex149.zip by BStarr

The lastest version of BOM-EX which now includes filtering options in the pick part dialog. This makes it easier to find parts in the database when assigning a part number to a part.

3096 Downloads | 438 Likes | 08.05.2012

cleanwire_110.zip.zip by ars662001

This ULP allows the elimination of double wires, stubs and other artifacts around vias and pads. It\'s very useful to eliminate teardrop artifacts on vias and pads created by other scripts.

3091 Downloads | 470 Likes | 01.05.2014

attrib-add108.ulp by BStarr

Add schematic part attributes utility for use with bom-ex. Updated to work with Eagle v6.2 and v5.11.

3056 Downloads | 435 Likes | 05.08.2012

hierarchical_v1.1.zip by morosh

Some ULPs and scripts to do hierachical designs

2998 Downloads | 571 Likes | 07.29.2014

gencad_134_easylogix.ulp by easylogix

Export GenCAD 1.4 file Format optimized for PCB-Investigator. The Export includes Signal Layers, Drill Layers, Solder Past Layers, Solder Mask Layers and Component Layers. www.PCB-Investigator.com

2983 Downloads | 496 Likes | 10.11.2013