<User>Language Programs</User>

User Language Programs(ULP)

Customize your EAGLE software with community-created programs.

bom3.ulp by admin

BOM2.ULP Adds semicolons as delimiters to a BOM text file for easy importing into Spreadsheets.\r\nUploaded by Lawrence Lile from Toastmaster, inc.

6783 Downloads | 397 Likes | 09.09.2002

bom_yum.ulp by admin

BILL OF MATERIAL, improved version of PART.ULP\r\nUploaded by Reinhard Dämon from University of Technology Graz

6674 Downloads | 374 Likes | 08.29.2002

pic.ulp by admin

This ULP converts a schematic or a board into input for GNU PIC. PIC is a picture description language used by Troff and LaTeX for very high quality typesetting of documents, reports, manuals, datasheets, etc. Adapted from the dxf writer ulp.\r\nUploaded by D. Jeff Dionne from uClinux project

7619 Downloads | 356 Likes | 08.27.2002

renumber-sch-group.ulp by admin

A modified renumber-sch.ulp that allows you to optionally specify the starting number, skip numbers ending in particular digits and/or renumber only those parts within a rectangle you draw on a separate layer (as a sort of primitive group function).\r\nUploaded by Neil Allison from Avon Technical Solutions

6398 Downloads | 409 Likes | 08.18.2002

mycream.ulp by admin

This EAGLE User Language Program generates new layers for cream frame.This can be edited seperately.Das ULP erzeugt neue Layer fuer die Loetstopsymbole. Diese können seperat geändert werden.\r\nUploaded by Holger Buss from Forschung und Entwicklung

5310 Downloads | 384 Likes | 07.17.2002

drill_gc.ulp by admin

This EAGLE User Language Program generates a drill configuration file for the current board, which can be used as ASCII rack-file in GC-PREVUE. The main body was taken from DRILLCFG.ULP. \r\nUploaded by Reinhard Daemon from University of Technology Graz

6094 Downloads | 370 Likes | 06.24.2002

drawpoly.ulp by admin

Draw a circle with the number of pins specified on the command line, eg: RUN drawpoly.ulp \r\nUploaded by Bill Eichin from backwoods technologies llc

5680 Downloads | 393 Likes | 06.22.2002

cplayout.ulp by admin

A ulp that copies the layout from one project to an other. Needs some work on signals names and Ref-Des\"s\r\nUploaded by Tom Morrison from Datac Control Ireland.

5841 Downloads | 384 Likes | 04.18.2002

drilegend.ulp by admin

DRILEGEND.ULP for eagle 4.04 is the new version of \\\"driltabh.ulp\\\". It create a drill legend for add in your board. There is a lot of new functions: horizontal or vertical legend, choice of layer and size for symbols and texts, ranks for fields, editable title fields, precision, mils, milimeters, microns, quantity, plated, tolerance, and more...\r\nUploaded by Christian Bohrer from AZ electronic (France)

6207 Downloads | 374 Likes | 04.12.2002

dumplib.ulp by admin

ENGLISH: dumps a ULP-library-struct to a textfile while in library-editor DEUTSCH: gibt aus dem LibEditor ein komplettes ULP-library-objekt in eine textdatei aus\r\nUploaded by Frank Benkert from FRB Computersysteme GmbH

5589 Downloads | 397 Likes | 04.10.2002