<User>Language Programs</User>

User Language Programs(ULP)

Customize your EAGLE software with community-created programs.

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toglays.ulp by hbridge99

Toggles Layers Adds individual layer control over toglay.ulp

2151 Downloads | 600 Likes | 04.28.2014

normalize-text2.0.ulp by hbridge99

normalize-text2.0.ulp Normalize text by layers, size, text width, ULP calculates ratios. Tested on Eagle 6.5 V2.0 adds: Field for user specification of layer scope. Saves user choices in a scratch file Seamless integration of metric and English units

2751 Downloads | 573 Likes | 04.18.2014

alignd.ulp by hbridge99

alignD.ulp is a rework of align.ulp with a dialog box for easy text entry and option comparisons. Sadly, like the original, it only works on parts in boards.

2049 Downloads | 610 Likes | 04.17.2014

alignd.ulp_toglays.ulp.zip by hbridge99

alignD.ulp and toglays.ulp

2185 Downloads | 611 Likes | 04.15.2014

import-dxf-1_6.ulp by wils0ne

Combine the work of Jorge Garcia from dxfimport1_51.ulp and Tim Ruetz from import_dxf_polygons_v4.ulp to allow polygon output of DXF polylines to any layer. This enables a free alternative to rasterized BMP files by establishing a workflow using Inkscape to vectorize images and import as DXF.

15827 Downloads | 680 Likes | 04.06.2014

panelize-textalign.ulp by bradavenson

Adds text alignment support to panelize.ulp

2146 Downloads | 601 Likes | 04.02.2014

show-nets.ulp by axeme

Shows all airwires and traces connected to a selected part, while hiding all other airwires. Designed for context menu and command line use with signal filtering.

2355 Downloads | 630 Likes | 04.01.2014

hershey-text.zip by nallison

Render text on a pcb in a Hershey typeface. Group the text to render then this ULP lets you choose the Hershey font file, the wire (stroke) width, slope, character width factor and output layer. The text is rendered using wires either directly on the pcb or in a library package that is automatically added to the board. A range of Hershey font data files including a customised font for Eagle are provided.

2447 Downloads | 575 Likes | 03.21.2014

dxfimport1_51.ulp by JorgeGarcia

Left a reference to my debug ulp in the original release. Since none of the users have it, the previous download won\'t work. This one is fixed. Sorry about the oversight

4456 Downloads | 583 Likes | 03.19.2014

eagle2freerouter-8-march-2014.zip by Elco

[replaces version of 20-Feb-2014] DSN file converter for the Freerouter autorouter (see forum on www.freerouting.net). New version reads BRD XML file directly, no intermediate script needed.

4091 Downloads | 627 Likes | 03.08.2014