<User>Language Programs</User>

User Language Programs(ULP)

Customize your EAGLE software with community-created programs.

xyloc.zip by Haselberger

ULP zum Erstellen der XY Lokationstabelle der Bauelemente in einen Schaltplan oder Board mithilfe des Kommandos FRAME

2258 Downloads | 448 Likes | 04.15.2012

quicklabel.zip by PEUKERTSIOS

A useful ulp for labeling equal spaced nets to a bus.

2271 Downloads | 440 Likes | 04.18.2012

json.zip by iamthemik3

ULP Include file. Provides the ability to navigate JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) data structures and arrays. Example ULP included.

2193 Downloads | 488 Likes | 04.22.2012

bom-ex145.zip by BStarr

The latest and greatest version of BOM-EX v1.45 with some minor enhancements and other fixes.

3514 Downloads | 440 Likes | 04.24.2012

attrib-add108.ulp by BStarr

Add schematic part attributes utility for use with bom-ex. Updated to work with Eagle v6.2 and v5.11.

3056 Downloads | 435 Likes | 05.08.2012

copypaste-v2.zip by bdrung

copypaste allows you to copy a schematic and a corresponding board without loosing the placement of the elements on the board. You can copy a schematic and board from a newer version of EAGLE to an older version of EAGLE. The copy ULP creates one script for the schematic and one for the board that creates and places all elements of the source. These scripts are stored as clipboard_schematic.scr and clipboard_board.scr. The paste ULP combines the clipboard scripts, renames the elements with conflicting names, and stores the result as paste.scr. The paste script is then executed.

2699 Downloads | 411 Likes | 06.09.2012

dxfimport1.2.zip by JorgeGarcia

DXFimport - v1.2 This version of dxfimport contains improved polyline import thanks to contributions from Holger Moessinger.

2889 Downloads | 393 Likes | 06.19.2012

netlength.ulp by AlStu

Asks for the name of a net then tells its total length on the PCB and in how many segments. Good for matching bus nets, for differential signals and to keep I/O timing within spec.

2386 Downloads | 453 Likes | 06.20.2012

eagle2svg-1.3.ulp by xtitoris

This ULP converts schematics and boards to SVG 1.1 vectorgraphic files. Changes from 1.2: Fixed pads layer output Added dimensioning tool output for Eagle 6

3584 Downloads | 460 Likes | 07.02.2012

dxfimport1_3.zip by JorgeGarcia

Small enhancement, added support for LWPOLYLINES.

5642 Downloads | 444 Likes | 07.11.2012