<User>Language Programs</User>

User Language Programs(ULP)

Customize your EAGLE software with community-created programs.

cmd_snap_schematic_1_1.zip by admin

Snap schematic to grid. New version of cmd_snap_schematic.ulp which doesn\"t run properly from EAGLE 4.01 on.\r\nUploaded by Rudi Hofer from CadSoft

6876 Downloads | 415 Likes | 03.05.2001

copyplacing-2.ulp by admin

Copies the placement from one group of parts to another in a board. Updated version of copyplacing.ulp with new featurs and some bug correction. - Mirror, spin and all degree angles are fully supported and copied. - Multiple source/destination rectangle are fully supported. - Works with different grid sizes other than mil. - MOVE and ROTATE commands use names instead of coordinates - Improved search engine to reduce the risk of failure or error.\r\nUploaded by Salvatore Previti from http://www.salvatorepreviti.it

6883 Downloads | 359 Likes | 12.01.2007

via-fill.ulp by admin

An ulp that will place vias in a rectilinear or staggered grid inside any polgons of specified nets. Used to provide thermal or hf frequency vias to a board.\r\nUploaded by Philip Pulle from RGB Sunset Productions

6896 Downloads | 364 Likes | 12.05.2006

hpgl.ulp by admin

Generates a HPGL file for each schematic page\r\nUploaded by Peter Kuhlemann

6913 Downloads | 359 Likes | 02.16.2004

adimv2_00.ulp by admin

OK. This is the one ! It does it the efficient way. Please let me know about any features you want to be adjusted/added to this program. I can also write other ULP for specific tasks. Just let me know, it\"s free !!!\r\nUploaded by Michel Dagenais from PCB Designer at home.

6915 Downloads | 451 Likes | 09.13.1998

via_teardrops1.ulp by admin

Teardrop Via Connections - Release: 1 - This ULP allows creation of teardrop-shaped connections from a board\"s vias to their attached wire segments. Making these connections teardrop shaped enhances manufacturability and reduces board failure by ensuring connectivity between the segment and via in cases where the via hole is not accurately drilled and would otherwise sever the segment.\r\nUploaded by Tad Artis from E3Switch LLC

6919 Downloads | 372 Likes | 08.31.2006

make_bga.ulp by admin

A ULP to generate a BGA package given the number of rows, columns, pitch, and pad size.\r\nUploaded by Ed Anuff

6928 Downloads | 352 Likes | 06.02.2004

create-frame.ulp by admin

This User Language Program asks the user to fill in their drawing information like paper size and perforation space description etc. and draws a drawing template with info box.\r\nUploaded by Richard Bekking from ROC Flevoland

6967 Downloads | 378 Likes | 11.23.2005

centroid_screamingcircuits_smd.ulp by admin

This ULP creates the specific format surface mount XY location file, called a Centroid file, required by Screaming Circuits for prototype assembly. Simply run this ULP and include the generated file “ centroid.csv” in the zip file containing your BOM and Gerbers when you order prototype pcb assembly at www.ScreamingCircuits.com.\r\nUploaded by Duane Benson from Screaming Circuits, USA

6978 Downloads | 356 Likes | 05.18.2006

drillcount.ulp by admin

Show a simple list of drill sizes and counts, plus how many are used for vias. Use as a \\\"sanity check\\\" for odd drill sizes.\r\nUploaded by Alan Stummer from University of Toronto

7000 Downloads | 362 Likes | 04.26.2006