<User>Language Programs</User>

User Language Programs(ULP)

Customize your EAGLE software with community-created programs.

negasilk.zip by admin

This ULP generates for inverse text on the silkscreen. Written by Christian Bohrer, uploaded by Jorge Garcia\r\nUploaded by Jorge Garcia from Cadsoft USA

3551 Downloads | 460 Likes | 02.27.2012

bom-ex139.zip by admin

The latest version of BOM-EX with some minor UI changes, bug fixes and other enhancements.\r\nUploaded by Bob Starr from RTZ Audio

2271 Downloads | 455 Likes | 02.27.2012

check-sch-against-lbr.ulp by admin

Check if the parts in the schematic are the same as in the corresponding libraries. Uses the Eagle\'s XML file format as data source. \r\nUploaded by Andrzej Telszewski from -

2035 Downloads | 460 Likes | 03.05.2012

gencad_131.ulp by admin

GENCAD V1.31generates GENCAD placement data. The specification states that string parameters should have double quotes escaped in the output file. This was added. \r\nUploaded by Aaron Hall from NRG Systems Inc.

2953 Downloads | 400 Likes | 03.06.2012

psscale4.ulp by admin

Update of PSSCALE 3. Not compatible with Eagle 5\r\nUploaded by Soeren Theodorsen from Unknown

2032 Downloads | 474 Likes | 03.07.2012

group-aps.ulp by admin

This ULP does a simple auto-place of components on a board based on any parts selected by the GROUP command in a schematic. \r\nUploaded by Bob Starr from RTZ Audio

2913 Downloads | 435 Likes | 03.12.2012

bom-am-19.zip by admin

Bill Of Materials And More. Manages databases with additional info like part numbers, manufacturers, etc. Many other features include board statistics, input & output controls, and much more. Replaces BOM-AM-18. Zip contains ULP and Print utility.\r\nUploaded by Robert A Rioja from Unison

4644 Downloads | 498 Likes | 03.13.2012

dxfimport.zip by admin

This ULP is an improvement on Hank Wallace\'s DXF2SCR. It can process DXF files that contain polylines and obviously works everywhere EAGLE does. Special to Hank Wallace, Robert Starr, and Alfred Zaffran for their contributions.\r\nUploaded by Jorge Garcia from Cadsoft Computer

4280 Downloads | 426 Likes | 03.15.2012

explode.ulp by admin

This ULP can decompose schematic objects into pure graphics: It deletes all objects in the current schematics group (including their board counterparts) and replaces visible objects by a pure graphical representation (e.g., for documentation of external components)\r\nUploaded by Andreas Weidner from MPI fuer Gravitationsphysik

2489 Downloads | 450 Likes | 03.16.2012

bom-ex143.zip by BStarr

The latest release of BOM-EX with part order file fixes and additional bom report save options.

2415 Downloads | 436 Likes | 03.23.2012