<User>Language Programs</User>

User Language Programs(ULP)

Customize your EAGLE software with community-created programs.

libselexp.ulp by admin

Selected export of elements from a library\r\nUploaded by Jim Thurman from NeuroCom Intl

6492 Downloads | 359 Likes | 06.09.2006

invoke.ulp by admin

This is invoke.ulp with additional sheet info. Dies ist invoke.ulp mit zusaetzlicher Sheet-Information. \r\nUploaded by Rene Koenig

5199 Downloads | 328 Likes | 06.05.2006

centroid_screamingcircuits_smd.ulp by admin

This ULP creates the specific format surface mount XY location file, called a Centroid file, required by Screaming Circuits for prototype assembly. Simply run this ULP and include the generated file “ centroid.csv” in the zip file containing your BOM and Gerbers when you order prototype pcb assembly at www.ScreamingCircuits.com.\r\nUploaded by Duane Benson from Screaming Circuits, USA

6988 Downloads | 360 Likes | 05.18.2006

ipc-d-356.zip by admin

For EAGLE 4.1: This ULP generates IPC-D-356 data from your layout (a first attempt).\r\nUploaded by Richard Hammerl

6686 Downloads | 366 Likes | 05.12.2006

merge_lbr.ulp by admin

Copy unique elements from one library into another.\r\nUploaded by Jim Thurman from NeuroCom

7571 Downloads | 352 Likes | 05.08.2006

change_libraries_to_olimex_drills.zip by admin

Ersetzt Bohrdurchmesser in Bibliotheken durch Olimex-Standardgrößen.Erhöht anhand einer Liste in der ULP die Durchmesser normalerweise zusätzlich um 0,1mm, damit Durchkontaktierungsverluste ausgeglichen werden.Die Liste ist leicht editierbar.Ürsprüngliche Datei: round_drills_mm_all_.zip von Rindert NautaApril 2006 siegfriedschwemmer web de \r\nUploaded by Siegfried Schwemmer

6722 Downloads | 351 Likes | 04.30.2006

mount-trace.ulp by admin

Shows all parts on the top layer with the same values of a board for manual assembling.Zeigt alle Bauteile auf der Top-Seite mit gleichem Value für manuelles Bestücken.Erweitert für die Anzeige aller gleicher VALUE im Board.\r\nUploaded by A. Zaffran from CadSoft

6179 Downloads | 343 Likes | 04.27.2006

drillcount.ulp by admin

Show a simple list of drill sizes and counts, plus how many are used for vias. Use as a \\\"sanity check\\\" for odd drill sizes.\r\nUploaded by Alan Stummer from University of Toronto

7009 Downloads | 369 Likes | 04.26.2006

find-3.ulp by admin

Find a component by name or ref des, net, pad, pin, track, values, drills, etc. Works on schematics and boards.\r\nUploaded by Alan Stummer from University of Toronto

6838 Downloads | 355 Likes | 04.26.2006

parts-coords1_3.ulp by admin

Updated to support every possible grid-unit you like to use (mic, mm, mil, inch).\r\nUploaded by Rene Koenig

5996 Downloads | 348 Likes | 04.24.2006