<User>Language Programs</User>

User Language Programs(ULP)

Customize your EAGLE software with community-created programs.

bga_via.ulp by admin

Creates BGA packages with offset via\"s and trace between\r\nUploaded by Jim Thurman from NeuroCom Intl

6464 Downloads | 367 Likes | 12.19.2006

updateman_to_4.14.zip by admin

Updatemanager für ein echtes Update auf Eagle 4.14 und höher mit korrekten Packages und Umwandlung von Devices in Device-Sets.Mit: REPLACE im Schaltplan! (Update v2.23)Update manager for a \"real\" update on Eagle 4.14 and higher with correct packages and converting of devicess in devices sets.With REPLACE in the schematic! (update v2.23)\r\nUploaded by Walter Mücke

5682 Downloads | 359 Likes | 12.14.2006

split-device-symbol.ulp by admin

This ULP generates the CONNECT list for a new Device, that consists of several Symbols (Gates), which have been extracted from one big Symbol by GROUP, CUT, and PASTE.\r\nUploaded by A. Zaffran from CadSoft

5008 Downloads | 379 Likes | 12.05.2006

make-symbol-device-package-bsdl.zip by admin

Generates Symbol, Package and Device from a text or BSDL file. New symbol type Stripe for high number of pins.\r\nUploaded by A. Zaffran from CadSoft

6503 Downloads | 404 Likes | 12.05.2006

via-fill.ulp by admin

An ulp that will place vias in a rectilinear or staggered grid inside any polgons of specified nets. Used to provide thermal or hf frequency vias to a board.\r\nUploaded by Philip Pulle from RGB Sunset Productions

6896 Downloads | 364 Likes | 12.05.2006

eagle2kicad-0.9b.ulp by admin

This ULP converts the symbols and packages of an eagle library to the format of the KiCAD PCB suite. The current version is 0.9b. This Scripts is released under the GNU Public license \r\nUploaded by Juergen Messerer from --

12159 Downloads | 428 Likes | 12.01.2006

fastplacer.ulp by admin

FastPlacer erleichtert das Platzieren der Bauteile, indem es erlaubt, bestimmte Netzklassen (z.B. GND und supplies) in den Airwires auszublenden.\r\nUploaded by Luc Eberhard from EOL Eberhard

8855 Downloads | 401 Likes | 10.27.2006

exp-project-lbr.ulp by admin

Corrected rotatoin of RECTangle.\r\nUploaded by A. Zaffran from CadSoft

7953 Downloads | 388 Likes | 10.27.2006

restrict-4.04.ulp by admin

A modified version of restrict-4.03.ulp. This restrict.ulp will work under version 4.1 and accurately restrict pads according to pad type. Purpose of this script is to restrict top component pads to be included in the double sided Autorouting. \r\nUploaded by Atif Ahsan from SSUET, Pakistan

5362 Downloads | 360 Likes | 10.24.2006

generate_3d_data.ulp by admin

V0.7 : Update zum Generieren der 3d-Daten zur Weiterverarbeitung in einem 3D-MCAD-System\r\nUploaded by Neubacher Andreas from Commend International GmbH

9852 Downloads | 405 Likes | 10.24.2006