<User>Language Programs</User>

User Language Programs(ULP)

Customize your EAGLE software with community-created programs.

teilelst.ulp by admin

Diese ULP erzeugt aus einem Board eine Teileliste incl. Preisen der wichtigsten Bauteile und einer Zusammenfassung xx * 10k Rxx,Ryy usw. Passend f. Tabellenkalkulationen.\r\nUploaded by Peter Fuchs from Universitaet Regensburg

5878 Downloads | 467 Likes | 07.07.1999

vias.ulp by admin

Program that counts the number of vias and its location in a board\r\nUploaded by Cisneros Loeza Luis Enrique from Siemens SA DE CV

5866 Downloads | 433 Likes | 11.27.1998

epscdraw.ulp by admin

This ULP export board or schematic to Color EPS. Program is based on epsdraw.ulp. Edit EPS file (or this ULP) to change color of printed layers in EPS.\r\nUploaded by Filip Kinovic from VSCHT Praha, CZ

5865 Downloads | 366 Likes | 05.10.2004

ultimatefind.zip by admin

Two files included: FindFrst - an updated find.ulp FindNext - repeat the last find Notable improvements: 1. Wildcard searches, such as C* 2. Find next using FindNext.ULP (FindFrst.ulp creates a list of finds based on your criteria, and FindNext steps through the finds) 3. Auto-Invokes INFO if selected 4. Improved zoom function (selects between regular and 2x) 5. Creates a list of finds, used to check parts quickly - best used with wildcard finds. 6. Better control over found elements (nets, pin names, pin numbers, reference designators, etc). FIND.ULP is very bad selective searches. RECOMMEND USAGE: Assign FindFrst.ULP to F12 Assign FindNext.ULP to Control+F12 - Hit F12 to find R* - Hit control+F12 to cycle through all the found elements. *any suggestions are welcome*\r\nUploaded by Claudio Irrgang from Micro Interface Design

5862 Downloads | 356 Likes | 03.10.2004

mill_me.ulp by admin

use mill_me.ulp to mill holes of different diam\"s in your board with one milling tool only. Based on mill_drill.ulp\r\nUploaded by stefan auchter from scotty engineering, germany

5854 Downloads | 433 Likes | 01.08.2001

cplayout.ulp by admin

A ulp that copies the layout from one project to an other. Needs some work on signals names and Ref-Des\"s\r\nUploaded by Tom Morrison from Datac Control Ireland.

5841 Downloads | 384 Likes | 04.18.2002

teardrops1.ulp by admin

This ulp was modified from via-teardrops1.ulp written by Tad Artis originally. Limited support was added to allow teardrops for throughole pads as well. \r\nUploaded by Bob Starr from RTZ Audio

5834 Downloads | 401 Likes | 01.14.2008

ultimatefind_v1.1.zip by admin

ultimatefind_v1.1.zip. Bugfix. To mutch zoom when the grid was not inches\r\nUploaded by &#370; yvind Eggen from jotron

5823 Downloads | 359 Likes | 07.05.2004

sch2cgm.ulp by admin

Schaltplanseite in .CGM-Datei (Computer Graphics Metafile) ausgeben Für bequemen Import in Textverarbeitungen sowie ideal für PDFs: Texte bleiben durchsuchbar, Output-Datei sehr klein \r\nUploaded by Henrik Haftmann from ViALUX GmbH, Chemnitz

5792 Downloads | 355 Likes | 10.07.2005

make-mask-in-lbr.zip by admin

Make user defined Stop- and Cream-Mask in Library\r\nUploaded by A. Zaffran from CadSoft

5780 Downloads | 379 Likes | 02.12.2003