<User>Language Programs</User>

User Language Programs(ULP)

Customize your EAGLE software with community-created programs.

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change-symbol-pinname-char.ulp by admin

Replaces a character in pin names for all symbol pins in a library to a new character (e.g. RESET\\\\ to RESET#). \r\nUploaded by Bob Starr from RTZ Audio

8675 Downloads | 379 Likes | 06.30.2007

create-frame_v1.0.2.ulp by admin

Update to the excellent create-frame.ulp that includes 8.5x11 and 11x17 paper sizes. Nonmetric Traditional sizes are added to bottom of selection list in the interests of international relations. :)\r\nUploaded by Eric Pratt

6690 Downloads | 403 Likes | 05.14.2007

find-single-ended-wire.ulp by admin

Find single ended wire and vias. Sucht nach offenen Leiterbahnenden und Vias.\r\nUploaded by A. Zaffran from CadSoft

6077 Downloads | 367 Likes | 04.23.2007

libedit.ulp by admin

Library editor - Now with View!. This program will list all of the symbols and packages in a library when one is selected it will display the devices using that symbol or package. It will also list the devices in the library and upon selection display the symbols and packages being used by it. It will also rename of delete symbols, packages, and/or devices. It shows the number of devices using a symbol or package so unused symbols or packages can be quickly located.\r\nUploaded by Jim Thurman from NeuroCom Intl

9127 Downloads | 437 Likes | 04.18.2007

import-bmp.zip by admin

Check for wrong Byte Address Range (if BitMaP saved with Coral Draw)\r\nUploaded by A. Zaffran from CadSoft

9726 Downloads | 483 Likes | 04.02.2007

fabmaster.ulp by admin

FABMASTER FATF output for EAGLE 4.1 Export Wires with Arc, rotated Pads, Pad Shape Long & Offset rotated Packages in 0.1 degree export rectangle and circle on layer 1, 16, 21, 22 export polygon filling on klayer 1, 16 export text on layer 1,16,21,22 as wire (**vector font**), Export Layer 51/52 (Layer table expanded), Corrected LAYER_NAMES definition for BPLACE.\r\nUploaded by A. Zaffran from CadSoft

6396 Downloads | 415 Likes | 03.26.2007

generate_3d_data_eng.pdf by admin

This is the help file of Generate 3D Data translated to English. Please e-mail me about any errors you find. There is no gurantee of accuracy or warranty either expressed or implied. \r\nUploaded by Chip from UVM

10417 Downloads | 432 Likes | 03.11.2007

ripup-polygon.ulp by admin

Ripup only polygons by signal name in visible layer Ripup nur von Polygonen des Signalnamen in sichtbaren Layern\r\nUploaded by A. Zaffran from CadSoft

5756 Downloads | 383 Likes | 03.09.2007

eagle2ps-1.1.ulp by admin

This script converts eagle schematics to postscript files. The advantage of this script is that you can search for texts. You can also convert it to pdf. Current Version 1.1. License: GNU Public License 2.0 \r\nUploaded by Juergen Messerer from --

6809 Downloads | 380 Likes | 02.01.2007

bga_vias_brd.ulp by admin

Creates a script file which adds offset via\"s and traces to BGA\"s on a board.\r\nUploaded by Jim Thurman from NeuroCom Intl

6047 Downloads | 375 Likes | 12.19.2006