<User>Language Programs</User>

User Language Programs(ULP)

Customize your EAGLE software with community-created programs.

generate_3d_data_v091.ulp by Barry

Generates IDF (.emp,.emn) format 3D CAD exchange files from Eagle (.brd,.sch). Eagle V6 compatibility. FreeCAD IDF import compatibility. FreeCAD can then export STEP, IGES, and other 3D models. Still relies on board thickness outline on layer 50, and component height outlines on layers 57 and 58 of components. Thickness and heights output as 1000 * width of lines on these layers.

5557 Downloads | 520 Likes | 12.28.2013

lbr-merge.zip by admin

Uses dumps created by \"lbr-contents- dump.ulp\" to merge non-duplicated entries of two libraries in a single library. This script is a polished version of Jim Thurman\"s original \"merge_lbr.ulp\".\r\nUploaded by Francesco Montorsi from University of Modena and Reggio Emilia

5564 Downloads | 363 Likes | 04.04.2010

sm_all.ulp by admin

This ULP smashes all elements in the layout. \r\nUploaded by Reinhard Daemon from University of Technology GRAZ/Austria

5577 Downloads | 456 Likes | 03.29.1999

par2rtf_so.ulp by admin

Gibt die Partlist und Bill of Materials als RTF-Datei in Tabellenform aus.Getestet unter Staroffice 6.0\r\nUploaded by Bronner Thomas from Ing.-Büro Völpel GmbH

5578 Downloads | 389 Likes | 01.27.2003

updateman.zip by admin

Updatemanager für ein \"echtes\" Update auf Eagle 4.0x mit korrekten Packages und Umwandlung von Devices in Device-Sets. (Update v1.3)\r\nUploaded by Walter Mücke

5586 Downloads | 407 Likes | 11.12.2002

dumplib.ulp by admin

ENGLISH: dumps a ULP-library-struct to a textfile while in library-editor DEUTSCH: gibt aus dem LibEditor ein komplettes ULP-library-objekt in eine textdatei aus\r\nUploaded by Frank Benkert from FRB Computersysteme GmbH

5589 Downloads | 397 Likes | 04.10.2002

snap-pin-in-smbol.ulp by admin

Snap (move) PINs in Symbol to Grid (Default)\r\nUploaded by A. Zaffran from CadSoft

5591 Downloads | 407 Likes | 02.05.2003

showzoom.ulp by admin

Das ULP findet Bauteile in BRD und SCH. Das Bauteil wird passend gezoomt. Im SCH funktioniert die Suche auch über mehrere Seiten.\r\nUploaded by Steven Pohl from privat

5594 Downloads | 375 Likes | 08.24.2003

unidat.zip by admin

Generates output in UNIDAT format which is used by UNICAM software. This software provides data for automatic mounting and test equipment. This version corrects the month value in exported data.\r\nUploaded by A. Zaffran from CadSoft

5635 Downloads | 347 Likes | 08.31.2004

inoplace.ulp by admin

This ULP generates datas for a Heeb Inotec InoPlacer for automatic mounting of parts \r\nUploaded by Bernd Krueger-Knauber from infratec plus GmbH

5639 Downloads | 455 Likes | 11.18.1999